The Business Benefits of Hyperautomation for CIOs
Rejith P R, Correspondent, CIOTechOutlook | Friday, 29 March 2024, 12:16 IST
The hyperautomation has started with a vision for Heineken with ten tactical automation in the initial phase for their back office. As a part of the strategic plan, they built a system that would enable large-scale adoption of the technologies across the firm. However, for a centralized way of working, the firm was responsible for the platforms at a global level, and they chose a federated delivery model at regional and functional levels, which required a new RPA platform and taking it from UiPath to make it happen. With this platform, Heineken has scaled its automation journey swiftly and secured a governance model, training, and security.
It is crucial that the Chief Information Officers (CIOs) need to have a clear understanding of hyperautomation, how it automates the business functions in the organization, and so on.
Streamlined Operations
In this modern era, hyperautomation is utilized to gain more benefits, and it helps firms of all sizes streamline regular tasks across different functions, spanning from basic to advanced. To make all the functions very effective, the CIOs should leverage advanced AI algorithms so that they can coordinate every activity smoothly, remove all unwanted tasks, and lower downtime and operational efficiency. To exemplify, normal activities such as preparing reports and manual entry can be automated, which will make the employee's life easier at the workstation, enabling them to concentrate on the tasks that require the utmost creativity and decision-making. Through this methodology, organizations can achieve optimum utilization of resources while reducing costs.
For example, the e-commerce giant Amazon utilizes hyperautomation to improve its supply chain activities. Their latest analytics tools examine huge data comprising market trends, logistics, and supplier performance to enhance stock levels and distribution networks.
Advancing Digital Transformation
The CIO's hyperautomation remains the key and acts as a trigger for advancing digital transformation goals, allowing firms to accept advanced technologies, update legacy frameworks, and drive technological advancements at scale. More importantly, they should make extra efforts to comprehend how hyperautomation can be effective in achieving digital transformation. With the help of hyperautomation, CIOs can automate intricate workflows, integrate dissimilar systems, and create an all-in-one digital ecosystem that improves partnerships, visibility of data, and business agility. In the case of quick deployment of any new software, hyperautomation can make the process seamless, allowing firms to adjust swiftly to the ever-changing market and opportunities. Overall, hyperautomation plays a pivotal role in empowering CIOs to spearhead transformative change across the organization.
Siemens is a prominent German technology company that has deployed hyperautomation technology to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in multiple sectors. They utilize AI-powered energy management systems to examine data from control systems, meters, and sensors to identify opportunities to save energy and enhance efficiency.
Data-Driven Insights
Organizations have been effectively utilizing data to comprehend the behavioral patterns of their customers to formulate their business strategies and smoothen the decision-making process. With the adoption of hyperautomation, CIOs leverage data potency by automating several things, such as collecting data and evaluating activities, which will pave the way for strategic management and decision-making. From the organization's point of view, CIOs need to ponder the latest analytics, algorithms and predictive modeling so that the insights can be taken from huge volumes of all sorts of data, catalyzing innovation and overall improvement in the business process. Eventually, hyper-automation is a robust mechanism for CIOs to harness the data and take things ahead.
For instance, IBM leverages hyperautomation to forecast future trends and for predictive analytics. With the help of analytics models, statistical algorithms and Machine learning technology, past data can be examined and find predictive variables.
Improved Customer Experience
In this contemporary business environment, the organization must deliver exceptional customer experience and stay active in the market. Hyperautomation is crucial in allowing CIOs to enhance customer engagement more effectively, leading to a customer-centric approach and building a long rapport with them. There are various technologies associated with hyperautomation, such as virtual assistants, chatbots and analytics, with which the firm can forecast customer requirements, solve complex queries in less time and offer customized solutions that will result in a better customer experience. Overall, hyperautomation can even deal with most of the activities related to customer experience and deliver insights according to their behavioral pattern, leading to customer satisfaction and aiding organizations in propelling their growth.
Salesforce, a cloud-based software firm, utilizes hyperautomation and other technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, to customize customer interactions. Their AI algorithms closely look at the customer's information, such as past transactions, preferences and browsing history, to offer personalized product recommendations.
Arvind Jha, Senior Vice President, Software Development, Newgen Software said "Hyperautomation facilitates organizations to improve customer experience by reducing the friction in user self-service applications and streamlining broken on-boarding processes"
The market has become highly complex as the competition is quite high, and the need for effectiveness is essential to keep the business ticking. Hyperautomation technology has to be implemented in the workstation, which will assist CIOs in spearheading digital technologies, automating business operations and helping companies to deliver better results. The organization should take the initiative to use the latest technologies to accomplish efficiency, provide exceptional customer experience and deal with uncertainties successfully. As the technology is growing, the CIOs have to keep an eye on the latest insights on hyperautomation in a way they can help their firm succeed in this complex business landscape.
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