As per a report by Markets & Markets, the Global Financial Technology Market is expected to reach a market value of approximately $324 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of more than 25%. Likewise, the Indian Financial Technology Market has also expanded enormously due to the rising demand of smartphones and banking applications, implementation of Artificial Intelligence, rapid internet penetration, and Block chain technologies, across various operations.
Since the current Fintech Landscape looks much more different than it looked two years ago before COVID-19, many Fintech Startups have entered the market, offering services that are specialized to fulfill the needs of the new normal, driven by the demand for no-contact solutions, in a socially distant society.
PayInc Private Limited has been all about developing and revealing path-breaking technologies, in the Tech Space since its inception in 2019. It began as a Financial Services firm, offering a variety of financial services through an impressionable network of more than 65,000+ partners across India. While working closely in the Fintech Space, PayInc’s CEO, Sumit Kumar Dash, discovered that establishing a Fintech Company in our country, is not only costly, but also time-consuming.
Sumit came up with an idea to mitigate this problem, by developing Fintech Software Services, which are innovative, with no compromise in quality, and which are available at an affordable pricing.
Wide Range Of Affordable Fintech Services
Sumit Kumar Dash is a techie, serial entrepreneur, and a strong believer in the notion of balanced development. Sumit was always keen to innovate and make the latest technology avail¬able, at the lowest possible rates. He is a hands-on expert with the experience of almost a decade in In-Service Delivery, Business Planning, Requirements Analysis, E-Commerce, and Agile Methodologies. “I am driven by the passion for making a change! I believe that technology can help our
nation sort out most of its issues, and is a key driver for any entrepreneurial journey in the current times!” This insatiable fire in Sumit, coupled with his curious nature to continuously evolve and innovate; pushed him into exploring novel avenues to enable him to facilitate, and create a worthy impact in the Fintech Space.
With his in-depth understanding, and his mastery of the subject matter, coupled with relevant expertise in the Fintech Payments Space, having worked in senior positions, ably managing the entire Software Systems of the companies he worked for; gave him an insight and the confidence to start PayInc Private Limited.
PayInc offers exclusive range of Plug and Play Fintech Software such as, Mobile Banking Software, Home Delivery Software, Mobile Wallet Software, Online Cab Booking Soft¬ware, Logistics & Tracking Software, Salesforce Management Software, Fleet Management Software, School Management Software and many more, which is completely customizable and extremely affordable, priced as low as just Rs. 15,000 per month.
With technology continuously evolving, payinc promises to evolve, innovate, and upgrade in line with the clients’ needs, by providing a number of Business Software Solutions that are reliable, customizable, secure and pocket-friendly
Considering the current struggle¬of Startups in India, PayInc strives to assist them, by offering services on a subscription-based model, which can facilitate new companies gain access to quality Software Development Services at affordable prices. PayInc also promises to provide range of customizable software’s in less than 24 hours, making it convenient for companies to digitise their business model and accelerate it multi-fold.
“Today, when I look back in wonderment at the innumerable challenges that came my way, I take immense pride in being able to with¬stand and surmount all odds, with a single-minded passion to take all challenges head-on and, each time to move on with renewed vigour ! The formation and success of PayInc has given me a perspective to understand and stand up to all the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in India,” concludes Sumit.