Apple collaborates with epic systems to bring health record tool on macOS By CIOTechOutlook Team

Apple collaborates with epic systems to bring health record tool on macOS

CIOTechOutlook Team | Thursday, 24 November 2022, 05:54 IST

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Medical records company Epic Systems has joined hands with Apple to bring its electronic health record tools to macOS.

Apple wanted Epic to create a native version of the service for macOS, but Epic is reportedly developing a tool that would easier to run than a native app.

"Epic does have development underway to make it easier for physicians to access Epic on Macs," a source Axios according to sources.

Epic Systems is the largest electronic health records vendor in the United States in the US. According to sources in 2021, over 250 million patients have a medical record held by Epic.

The two firms are compromising after a few years of disagreements. In 2020, Apple came out in support of proposed government policy that would allow patients more accessible access to their medical data, something the company has pioneered with its Apple Health app.

Epic opposed the rules, saying the regulations would be "overly burdensome" on America's health system and "endanger patient privacy."

It's not clear whether Apple will eventually add Epic as a health records provider in the Health app.

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