HINNTS: A Tech startup providing solutions in corporate health and wellness domain

CIO Vendor HINNTS stands for Highly Innovative Technology Solutions, founded by Roshan Khan (CEO and Founder) It is technology start-up that largely focuses on developing products with a focus on health and wellness solutions for corporates. The company started in 2019 and despite some challenges faced due to COVID, it pivoted again towards its goal.

Challenges and Comebacks
In 2019, HINNTS started working on a concept of a B2C product for the citizens, carrying the motto -"Bringing Your Doctor Closer to You". The company developed a working prototype for reducing the gap of time and place between the patient and the physician through a Facebook Messenger Bot - Stethoscope. ai (HealthHinnts). It was a Symptom Checker which could be accessed via mobile device and from laptop. This was implemented for a few clinics as pilot, but then COVID hit the market and monopolized.

In 2020, the company customized BOT to be implemented for corporates, so that it can be used by the employees and enabled connections with physicians of nearby hospitals for tele-consultation. However, there were some challenges faced due to COVID while finding a product-market fit in the process. The company overcame the challenges and pivoted again and changed the vision as "To Shape the Future of Corporate Health and Wellness".

This objective is to offer a holistic and digital solutions to reduce "Sickness Absenteeism" and "Healthcare Costs" for corporates, ultimately increasing their productivity. Stethoscope.ai, our flagship product, is a digital healthcare platform for corporates.
Vision - "To Shape the Future of Corporate Health and Wellness"
There has been a steady rise in healthcare applications in last 10 years. Most of these work with health and wellness devices, and some targeting chronic health conditions. COVID-19 saw a major rise in mental and emotional health challenges too. Many organizations leveraged towards wellness apps to not only monitor their employees' health and wellness but also to engage with their employees.

HINNTS is building up its product to keep employees connected to the organization's visions, goals, to motivate them, while also keeping a check on overall wellness index. The company is enhancing its product - Stethoscope. ai as the "Digital Work Enablement Platform for the New Normal". This easy-to-use, highly customizable tool will also help in building the trust and confidence in workforce to return to workplace.

HINNTS is continuously enhancing its Probabilistic Reasoning Engine based on AI/ML

HINNTS is continuously enhancing its Probabilistic Reasoning Engine based on AI/ML. The webbased application being used by corporates is hosted on enterprise grade secure platform of Amazon Web Services (AWS). The technology stack used for development includes AngularJS, AJAX, NodeJS, Python, MySQL and RESTful services. The company would be using Blockchain for controlling the accessibility & traceability of the data.

In September, 2020, HINNTS managed to successfully grab the contract from TITAN, a TATA company, to track and monitor their 10K plus employees at their multiple locations across the country. The company is determined to go global soon after GDPR and HIPAA compliance. It's also working towards strategic enhancements like adding genomics to its portfolio of evaluations to help individuals plan their future of health and wellness.