actors like expanding internet connectivity and broadband infrastructure, smart-phones and live streaming apps, social networking and cutting-edge technology have transformed the television experience from linear to an era of "Anytime, Anywhere and Any Device" availability of content. The volume, variety and velocity of content and data consumption, is increasingly paving the way for legacy content and the indispensability of investing in digital preservation, restoration, digitization and repurposing of content to meet the exponential demands of the viewers. At this juncture broadcasters need an all inclusive broadcast IT solution provider that can solve the end to end demands. Headquartered in Hyderabad RP Media Solutions offers end-to-end technical consultancy and know-how as well as know-why to broad spectrum of different requirements of the broadcasting industry. The services encompass broadcast IT, studio set up, medic technology, audio &video solutions and service other related facets of the broadcasting industry."RP Media Solutions ensures software design and configuration, equipment sourcing, prefabrication, system installation and training that facilitates broadcasters to explore options and choose the right equipment, which fits the budget to create, manipulate, move, broadcast, web-cast and archive digital media", asserts Prakash NR, Director.
Servings in the Broadcast Spectrum
Broadcast Technology is evolving rapidly as IT Platforms and related information systems have become the core around which new broadcast infrastructures are built. Thus, RP Media Solutions offers consultancy to production houses, content creation set ups, live broadcast set ups and already present players of broadcasting industry of cost-effective content creation team. The organization propounds an array of consultancy services to the existing TV channels on how to improve efficiency, reduce costs, design effective and seamless processes, enable effective use of products and process-re-engineering.
The services provide details regarding quantum and type of facilities required for proposed TV channel and assist clients in identifying suitable place for establishing these facilities.Essentially, RP Media offers consultancy services on workflow and technology related aspects to upcoming TV channels; both regional as well as national. It also caters news channels, religious channels, General Entertainment Channels (GEC) and infotainment & edutainment TV channels.
RP Media Solutions offers end-to-end technical consultancy and know-how as well as know-why to broad spectrum of different requirements of the broadcasting industry
The growing need for automating broadcasting activities and delivering multi-channel & multi-device communication is driving the adoption of DAM (Digital Asset Management) software among marketers across the globe. Catering to these demands, RP Media Solutions delivers consultancy services that include DSNG (Digital Satellite News Gathering) solutions, teleport &digital asset management solutions and new generation content delivery modules such as Web/IPTV/Mobile TV, digital audio solutions. While formulating specifications of the satellite transmission, the company designs BoM for Satellite up-link station and DSNG/OB Van.
With RP Media Solutions as knowledge partner, clients can be sure of tried, tested and affordable broadcast IT and media technology solutions for effective business results. Ensuring effectiveness and professional management of operations, RP Media Solutions aims to become a key player in providing 360-degree support and services to Media &
Broadcasting industry.