The healthcare regulatory landscape is constantly evolving and it calls for revised mandates, data security and compliance requirements. Foreseeing the challenges hovering around the healthcare sector, Kolkata based company Aptsource derives its healthcare information system from a domain model which promotes an archetype and template driven computing platform. The domain model is a health information reference model, which is a separate layer from the data model. "The technical approach is a multi-level modeling within a service-oriented software architecture, in which models built by domain experts are in their own layer enabling clinicians and associated health workers to be directly involved in defining the semantics of clinical information systems" says Manisha Chowdhury, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Aptsource.
Aptcare is a unique product developed by the company which is fully compliant with standards related to ADT, Referral and Alerts for Allergy, ADR and other critical problems. Aptsource process designer allows users to configure rules related to certain chronic ailments which needed to be managed rather than treated. Thus, it helps in identifying specific patient demographics within the database to be covered under effective preventive care programs specific to their practice compliance requirements, and creating and executing effective follow-up programs. This approach results in higher compliance rates among chronic care patients and also aids in distributing secure HIPAA compliant Patient Satisfaction Surveys. Aptcare has also implemented Patient rights through consent recording, archiving, and various workflows capturing educational programs and assessments, as critical factors for chronic disease management.
Aptcare allows inveteracy of local, national and international standards through template driven process guidelines. Medication management is another critical area extensively covered by Aptcare to include drug interactions, electronic medical administration and drug expiry alerts.
Aptcare is a unique product developed by the company which is fully compliant with standards related to ADT, Referral and Alerts for Allergy, ADR and other critical problems.
While technology is shaping new trends in health care sector, health information system brings with it significant risks that can jeopardize patient's safety. By facilitating continuity of care which is utmost critical for ensuring patient safety, Aptsource has built a well knitted health care system. This connected system enables physicians to make informed decisions with timely access to patient history, allergies, adverse events, chronic conditions, co-morbidities and other vital clinical information. "Our system has embedded rules resting on a knowledge base which triggers alerts in case of conditions indicative of drug to drug interactions, drug allergies and reactions. This is further aimed towards ensuring patient safety," says Sreekumar Banerjee, Co-founder and CTO, Aptsource.
Apart from its robust and base products, Aptsource has a derivative product for smoking, alcohol and drugs rehabilitation clinics commonly being referred as the "Aptcare-rehab" version. This version is meant to address special type of workflows concerning to therapies, counseling and assessment based services apart from typical lab, pharmacy and ambulatory care delivery services offered by normal specialty clinics and group practices. In coming years, Aptsource intends to further grow its product business in emerging markets with the base product and concurrently promote the rehabilitation version of its products in the developed markets of UK and Germany.