India has made an influential remark in Pharmaceutical and Life Science sector owing to huge pool of scientists and engineers unrolled across various R&D organizations. Additionally, government's approval to ease FDI norms to medical devices has also boosted the sector. Nevertheless, domestic drug discovery is still challenging to manufacturing companies following dissimilar methods to tackle same disease.
Drug discovery is considered as the science of the unknown and still contemporary therapies lack the precision of targeted delivery, leading to side effects and declining adequacy of medicines. In case of in-house molecular or atomic simulation, researchers need to have complete freedom over the algorithm or software being used. In addition to this, dedicated cluster computers and interdisciplinary technical teams are also required; leading to more expenditure. Hence, deployment of outsourced molecule simulation platform has become non-trivial for manufacturing companies to stay ahead in the competitive market.
New Delhi based LeadInvent Technologies assist various R&D organizations and Pharmaceutical companies to predict activities of compounds before being synthesized using LIDiscoverEngine. "This capability of customized virtual design and testing saves considerable experimental cost and reduces discovery time," says Pankaj Sharma, CEO and Co-founder of LeadInvent. The company has developed proprietary built molecule simulation platform- LIDiscoverEngine that assist researchers to design and study molecules virtually on supercomputing platform. "This unique capability guides scientists to discover drugs through a rational approach rather than conventional hit and trial," adds Pankaj.
LeadInvent Technologies, a privately held Life Science firm was established in 2007 by a team of scientist and professors from IIT Delhi's Supercomputing Facility. LeadInvent team consists of scientists from IIT Delhi and Industry veterans encompassing unique talent pool ranging from Mathematics, Computational biology, Chemistry to Preclinical biology and Animal science.
LeadInvent has worked with multiple companies and has played a vital role in powering early stage drug discovery.
During initial days after establishment, LeadInvent team acknowledged the importance of embedding simulation technology in experimental process. "This early realization was pivotal to our current business model in which we work extensively with our customers and partners in a collaborative manner," tells Pankaj. Since then, LeadInvent has been working with protein targets which have been validated in human clinical studies."This gives us a better estimate of how drugs will perform with respect to the target once they reach in to human subjects," adds Pankaj.
Continued Consultation
Besides providing LiDiscoverEngine platform, the company also consults clients during preclinical stages. This integrated back and forth discussion and simultaneous co-ordination results in successful synthesis and testing. "In addition to providing simulation software as one time sales we also work with clients on a service mode," explains Pankaj.
Since establishment, LeadInvent has worked with multiple companies and has played a vital role in powering early stage drug discovery. Following on-going enhance of pharmaceutical market, LeadInvent is committed to play a major role in making drugs safer and better to mitigate various diseases. "In near future we would integrate diagnostics with therapy to provide unique capability to clinicians to adopt the possibility of see and treat," ends Pankaj Sharma, CEO.