Divya Hospitality Consultants: Delivering Unmatched Hospitality And Consultation Services

CIO Vendor Hospitality sector exhibits diversity in both horizontal and vertical dimensions representing industry's breadth and the versatility under one roof as vertical. On the face of it, while there is large span about hospitality work in parallel the skills that are unique to the sector and matters the most.
There is, however, a proven argument that it is the context and combination of these skills that do generate unique attributes that are essence of the sector of National importance today. Therefore, the debate about skills issues, in the hospitality sector, is influenced by wider, generic consideration in the context of changing employment, technology, and vocational education and ultimately the people engaged in it either as provider of services or as consumer of the services to my belief and preference the generalist employees while rotating them to departments for skill development can prove the best employees and the same is proven the best experimentation in the business. Although, specialized employees are precious and has their own importance as food designers with their technicalities, a major part of employees are attributed to generalized skill sets and to be promoted to be one. The regular and re-imposed. The values and behaviours in training remains to be the only tool to bring and enhance the working efficiency in the hospitality sector.

Divya Hospitality Consultants (a unit of Classic Hospitality Services) brings in much needed dimensions to existing and conceived skill sets of hotels and service sector through organized design of Consultancy.

Understanding the Segment with Nuanced Experiences
The hospitality industry employs a diverse workforce, both highly skilled and technically qualified positions and at other hand there are may or may not have a strong educational component. "A valet, cleaning personnel and restaurant servers have a different requirement than check-in clerks, concierge providers, Chefs and managers. Yet, the entire workforce is a reflection of a hotel's hospitality culture, which is why everyone needs to be transformed to live the certain specific uniform values and standards,"
states Bhupendra Singh Solanki, Director of the company. These nuances are well understood and delivered to the industry through the organisations like us. Divya Hospitality who is not only well versed with the minutes of this segment but is also at the forefront of phenomenal changes through diverse and specific upbringing consultancy modules. We at Divya Hospitality Consultancy guides our clients to prepare their different pieces of rotation plans for identified teams to help them grow and create support within. In certain case, the company plans for the clients and helps them in implementing those in real scenarios.

Divya Hospitality Consultants (a unit of Classic Hospitality Services) brings in much needed dimensions to existing and conceived skill sets of hotels and service sector through organized design of Consultancy

Enacting the Vision
The principal task of the consultant is to match the vision of entrepreneur with execution of planning, decide the level of consultancy as to how the project is going to be commercially viable this includes in-depth study and percolating the intelligentsia to the various parts of business generally left for lower attention and has larger impact. Divya Hospitality engages the vision of empowering the clients with quality Consultation and support services like Kitchen Designing as an industrial production unit, Space Planning BOH and FOH , positioning, equipments procurement, Laundry Consultancy, and House-keeping. Although a vast subject, hospitality is best understood and made specific through untiring experiences of 18 years garnered through the hard work and team building which Divya Hospitality learnt and delivers at its best.

Divya Hospitality reaches beyond bounds and makes the workplaces an enjoyable place to work be it Kitchen to cook, Dining for mind or an office to be productive.