CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> March - 2014 issue

3G and LTE Security Solutions on a Single Platform


LTE technology for mobile networks offers far higher speeds and lower costs than 3G. However, LTE also brings with it an urgent need for security. Because it is all-IP, and unlike 'closed' 3G networks, LTE users’ voice and data communications are vulnerable to the same security threats that plague business and personal data networks.

LTE also raises new concerns about how operators provide adequate capacity to ensure service quality and operational efficiency in network elements. The always-on nature of new personal devices, applications and real-time services can abruptly overload the network, making it difficult for mobile operators to meet unexpected surges in network demand.

The mobile telecommunications world needs products that address the need for stronger security combined with the ability to accommodate traffic peaks and handle new services, without introducing latency or impairing performance. Stoke's 3G and LTE security gateway solutions are uniquely engineered to address these and other problems, and Stoke is the only company that serves all these needs in a single technology platform.

Our products represent a new generation of highly scalable, exceptionally capable gateway solutions for the mobile broadband industry. They provide market leading, line rate IPSec gateway performance combined with an unmatched breadth and depth of features and offer significant operating savings over competitors by delivering the highest throughput per kilowatt in the industry.
At the core of Stoke's product suite is the SSX-3000 mobile edge gateway platform that secures the junction between the Radio Access Network and the mobile operator core – the S1 Link.

Stoke products have been chosen by Tier 1 mobile network operators including Japan's NTT Docomo and the Hutchison Group for technical excellence and highest level of quality and reliability. We partner with leading industry equipment providers and systems integrators including Samsung, Macnica and Dimension Data to provide comprehensive LTE Security Solutions on the S1 Link. With over U.S. $100 million in funding, Stoke is backed by major investors and carriers including Reliance Communications, Docomo Capital and Samsung Ventures.

Today, Stoke has the largest number of LTE Security Gateways deployed in live commercial LTE networks, handling well over 15 million subscribers worldwide. This leadership position allows us to bring a unique level of technology, deployment and support expertise to mobile operators.

Stoke has a truly differentiated technology that was designed with the future in mind, an excellent reputation for customer service, and a reputation as a great company to work with. We allow mobile operators to protect their users and optimize their networks and enable the secure roll out of exciting new technologies including Voice over LTE (VoLTE) without compromising speed and quality of service. We continue to strengthen, adapt and deepen our LTE security offerings as the wave of LTE deployments increases worldwide.

With mobile broadband traffic expected to grow by over 3000 Percent over the next five years, Stoke is at the heart of a massive market opportunity and we are excited at the potential to continue our growth trajectory.

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