CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> September - 2013 issue

A Treasure yet to be Explored


Recently, Walmart revealed interesting facts about data explosion. It is estimated that Walmart collects more than 2.5 petabytes of data every hour from its customer transactions. And it's not just Walmart but several other organizations that are smart enough to make use of this exploding data. As of 2012, about 2.5 exabytes of data is created each day, and that number is doubling every 40 months or so. Enterprises have realized that unstructured Big Data is a treasure that has to be explored and maximized to bring value to the businesses.

Most analysts believe that Big Data is at a nascent stage in India with a strong latent demand, which is growing steadily. CIOs in several organizations are forced to utilize this big data growth to improve their business performance. However, it is not always easy to cut through this hype to understand exactly how big data can be applied to solve specific business challenges. Today, leading organizations are learning to exploit their treasure of existing big data and provide their sales force with critical knowledge to outperform in their industries.

The sad reality is that we lack the talent that can handle the massive information today. McKinsey states that the U.S. alone faces a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical skills as well as 1.5 million managers and analysts to analyze big data and make decisions based on their findings. Big Data being at an inflection point, having a core set of deep analytical talent is not enough to transform an organization, especially if the key business leaders and analysts do not know how to take advantage of this big data capability.

All of the business leaders in an organization need to have deep understanding of analytical techniques in order to make maximum use of it, which will help them to deliver maximum value to their customers.

This issue we have identified '10 Most Promising Big Data Companies' that comes as an aid to these CIOs. These companies not only provide solutions to the enterprises, but help them identify the core criticalities leading to huge revenue expenditure that can be curtailed by using the best fit for these issues.

To be successful entrepreneur need to have a complete understanding of market needs, treating challenges as stepping stones and by having an in depth understanding of your industry. We believe all the 10 companies have these traits. Moreover, this issue we have profiled one such entrepreneur on the cover who is successful in identifying the less recognized space of Mobile Virtual Network Enabler.

Finding the gap in the form of Enterprise Mobile Networks, Mohan Kumar Sundaram, Founder & CEO of Plintron scripted his company to be the world's largest multi-country cloud based telecom infrastructure for MNOs, MVNOs, and Enterprises serving in around 18 countries globally.

Henry Ford once said, "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal." These are such few entrepreneurs who think alike and stay focused to conquer the success.

Please do let us know what you think

Christo Jacob
Managing Editor

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