CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> August - 2015 issue

Cogknit Semantics: Leading the Way in Mobile Data Science


Traditionally, to find value from customer data, enterprises have focused on the data residing within intranet. However, industry is gradually witnessing an increased awareness about the potential benefits of knowing what is happening outside the intranet. Cogknit Semantics, headquartered in Bangalore, specializes in being able to bring in this data with a motive to bring about intelligence and smartness into aspects of everyday life and business. “Behind our thinking is the concept of 'linked data'. By this we mean the ability to reach out and bring data from different sources, overlap them to find hidden data patterns while keeping the end user as the focal point,” says Anuroop Iyengar, Founder & Director at Cogknit Semantics.

Cogknit equips developers and decision makers in enterprises with smartness and intelligence to help them make data driven applications. “We are a mobile data science company as we provide all the ingredients but with a mobile first strategy,” adds Anuroop. Cogknit brings in unstructured data from the web crawls and mobile contextual data through mobile data mining, and pulls in structured data stored inside traditional IT applications. Utilizing what it calls as ‘Rapid Data Science’, the company allows its customers to quickly and efficiently put together a prototype system on the cloud and iterate towards a solution. This not only addresses potential data quality but eases exploratory analysis of different datasets in a very short time. Cogknit provides an SDK called ‘Glocal’ for Mobile Contextual Data and Intelligence to assist individual developers, startups and corporations in building in mobile data intelligence with their applications, products or services from day one.

What sets Cogknit apart from its competitors is its long track record of research and development, producing a bunch of reusable software building blocks in several areas. The company provides its entire technology stack as re-configurable software blocks, deployable on the cloud of choice or on existing infrastructure architecture. This allows quick adaptation to problem at hand, resulting in faster time to market/ time to deploy. For example, the company provides Web Crawl as a Service through an intelligent web/enterprise crawl to aggregate domain specific content from data repositories. It also provides Social Media Mining as a Service to mine sentiment from unstructured data and provide dashboards.

Cogknit has applied data science in various areas to come up with revolutionary solutions. The company has designed a personalized learning platform called ‘Nimit’ which uses data science to provide a blended learning experience. Using machine learning algorithms, the platform identifies user’s learning patterns and user activity to identify user context and deliver content based on the context. Infosys is extending the learning platform to identify learning index and many other learning related analysis based on user activity on Nimit.
It is because of the R&D strength of Cogknit that a global giant in the automotive space is working with the team even after having a significant Data Science team of their own in Bangalore and in the Silicon Valley. “We are looking at how we can actually pick all the R&D work that we have done and put it into the mobile data space,” concludes Anuroop.

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