CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> August - 2015 issue

Coolest Big Data Products so far


Big Data, being one of the fastest growing segments of the IT industry, and Hadoop evolving as a must-to-know technology, together serve as the basis for need of updating Big Data applications on a daily basis. Thus the sales for visual data discovery tools are exploding for analyzing the huge volumes of data generated by IoT. Here are some evolutionary big data products that have hit the markets this year and changed the face of big data analytics:

Bedrock Data:This cloud-based data integration and management Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) system automatically reviews, updates and synchronizes information across marketing, sales, email, ticketing and other data silos.

Domo: Its cloud-based executive management system provides access to information scattered throughout an organization using a single dashboard. This application pulls data from some 300 sources, including cloud applications like and NetSuite and social media sites such as Twitter.

Data Torrent RTS 3: This platform, designed to work in Hadoop clusters, does unified streaming and batch-processing to handle end-to-end tasks from data ingestion to real-time dashboards. Using this, one can build big data applications without coding and its graphical application assembly tools as new scalable, fault-tolerant data ingestion capabilities improve the movement of Hadoop data.

Snowflake Elastic Data Warehouse:
Snowflake’s database is built from scratch, based on Amazon EC2, instead of other open source database like Postgres or Hadoop. Its architecture is completely cloud oriented with add-on features like capability to load data in multiple formats and provision of loading semi-structured data in formats like JSON, XML, and AVRO etc.

Thus, the exigency of Big Data Analytics tools leads to prediction of worldwide market for big data analytics products to be worth $50 billion in 2018.

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