CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> November - 2013 issue

Datawise: Merging Database Management Systems with Decision Sciences


The current market scenario showcases BI analytics in its nascent stages, while at the same time presenting exciting areas of future growth for enterprises. However, the major concerns revolving around CIOs' and decision makers today is the inability of most organizations to manage information flow across multiple disparate databases. A new aspect in Business Intelligence, which has the capability to tackle these issues, is cross functional analytical intelligence.

Datawise, a BI/analytics solutions provider founded in 2003, provides database management systems with the promise of cutting-edge decision science tools to provide the best of services in the BI domain. The Company, headquartered in Hyderabad, leverages this unique differentiating factor to provide the best in BI to its vast clientele.

While many BI providers face the daunting question of "what is your experience in the BI area?", Datawise, Headed by Vinay Kumar, CEO, answers the same by providing a repertoire of possible solutions that have been perfected through time trusted methodologies. The idea can be best explained by how Datawise was able to solve poor performance issues faced by an established Aviation company in the US. A closer analysis by Vinay's team led them to believe that the aviation firm had little knowledge, understanding, and control over the key performance indicators, which resulted in an inability to measure and improve performance. The company was operating eight different databases that were working independently with no common platform. By developing a list of key BI metrics, a Dashboard was developed to enable the core management of the aviation company to measure, monitor and control performances which eventually lead to significantly better performance of the company.

The client satisfaction provided by Datawise is not only limited to the aforesaid Aviaition company, but to a gamut of clients spanning different verticals. The successes can be directly linked to the three core beliefs that the innovation at Datawise is driven by, namely, keeping abreast of latest technologies, understanding how these can benefit the commercial world, and an unwavering commitment towards developing new products.

"Each of our products is the result of deep rooted research followed by an understanding of ground realities. It is this belief system which has enabled us to develop 5-6 products in the last few years," explains Vinay. The company's flagship products, Dattab and Optilox, to name a couple, are the result of the company's sustained emphasis given to research and innovations.

Roadmap Ahead

Moving forward, Datawise plans to strengthen its hold in a few specific industries, mainly, healthcare, BFSI, Education, Government and Retail. Understanding the importance of the BI industry to go beyond simple manpower outsourcing, Datawise plans to create engagement models that are aligned to industry needs that can be rapidly deployed without recourse to significant customization. By aligning the company's goals to offer easy to implement solutions and deploying better integrated solutions, Datawise looks set to generate new success stories in BI Innovation over the course of the next few years.

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