CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> June - 2013 issue

Deliver Fresh Ideas and Innovative Software Solutions


Catchpoint Systems provides real time analytics in the end to end performance of internet services. Headquartered in New York, the company has raised $4.77 million from Battery Ventures and Mehdi Daoudi.

The proliferation of Cloud (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) has increased the complexity of websites and web applications – introducing added availability and reliability risks. Businesses are realizing that traditional application monitoring software is not sufficient in the cloud era. As companies increasingly rely on third-party vendors, there is a tremendous need to monitor performance from outside the datacenter.

And as consumers expect faster, better online experiences, companies must ensure their online services are performing properly or risk marring customer satisfaction and losing revenue. The cost of losing customers and having to re-acquire new ones could completely erase outsourcing cost savings. Traditional web monitoring vendors are struggling to keep up with the evolving needs of today's businesses, and a new breed of innovative players will quickly usurp market share from the old guard.

The industry is heading toward an even more open, flexible IT environment – relying more and more on other companies that offer better economies of scale. However, the cost of this switch is an impact on availability and reliability – which a company must correctly manage. If an application moves from a single infrastructure with 99.99 percent availability to an open one relying on five different providers each with 99.99 percent availability, the end result is that the application will have 99.95 percent availability.

While some forward-thinking companies are focused on customer experience, many have not yet realized the direct correlation between online performance, customer experience and revenue.

It is clear that the old-guard of stagnant, complex technology will not work in the business/consumer environment of today or tomorrow. Technology entrepreneurs need to deliver fresh ideas and innovative software solutions that work for today's business environment and are equipped to rapidly evolve with the changing business and IT landscape to meet future needs. Thinking outside the box and approaching core business problems from the end-user perspective will be critical.

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