CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> October - 2014 issue

ElegantJ BI: Visual Analytics Monitors, Deep Dive Discoverers


ElegantJ BI CEO, Kartik Patel says that customer demands are changing rapidly and, BI vendors must provide data discovery as well as data monitoring to help customers succeed. Not so long ago, BI customers were satisfied with data visualization and data monitoring. But, as business demands change, and the face, and nature, of business competition shifts, every enterprise must adapt or die.

Today's CXOs, CIOs and users are more knowledgeable and savvy about BI and analytics, and they demand flexible, deep dive analytics that far surpass the functionality of a simple display or static dashboard. "We are experiencing a sea change in the BI market," says Patel. That change is driven by user demand for better, more concise information to quickly and effectively support business decisions and competitive positioning.

It isn't enough to display data in colorful charts, graphs and gauges. Today's users are always fighting time and they need quick, effective access to 'ah hah' information - data that provides crucial nuggets of knowledge to drive business success. Deep Dive Analytics lets users drill into data to immediately see patterns and trends. Users can ask questions, solve complex problems using ad hoc analysis; bring in new data to supplement analysis using a variety of methods, so they can see information from different perspectives. The business can leverage cross-tab analysis, bring in new columns of data on demand, perform dynamic breakdowns using different dimensions, and change data operations and filters on fly, to quickly capitalize on opportunities and make course corrections.

Patel says, "While visually stunning dashboards and data monitoring are important factors for data visualization, deep dive analysis goes beyond visualization to provide data discovery and ensure the success of BI customers and their businesses."

Business users need sophisticated, flexible tools to 'discover' and capitalize on those critical 'ah hah' moments. Elegant JBI, being one of India's few BI product companies that offer unique Managed Memory Computing technology fills in this gap through deep dive analysis. Businesses expect team members to make informed decisions, yet a very small percentage of the total business user base is able to gain access to, and fully leverage BI within the organization. Deep dive analytics and intuitive data visualization is critical to making fact-based, performance-driven decisions, but many organizations are still struggling to effectively mine the 'gold' in enterprise data.

ElegantJ BI CEO, Patel says, "To satisfy business needs, BI vendors must provide visual analytics for data monitoring, and deep dive analysis for data discovery. This approach gives users the 'nuggets' they need to drive the enterprise to success and react rapidly to changing markets in a complex, competitive global business environment."

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