CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> November - 2013 issue

FutureSoft India: 25 years of Dependable Software Solutions


As business and technology environments keep evolving, a CIOs hunt to find the perfect solutions provider to suit his company’s specific requirements becomes tougher. Enterprises are reeling under the pressure to reduce cost and yet procure quality solutions delivered on-time. They require an IT Services partner that has impeccable product development and delivery capabilities. Filling these requirements of enterprises and aiding CIOs is Delhi based FutureSoft, a software solutions company, experienced and proven in developing, deploying and supporting enterprise software solutions to several Fortune 500 and SMBs alike.
It all began in 1988, when a team of three software architects, headed by Sunil Gujral, started building a point of sales system, ExpressCheque for American Express from a small 10x10 square feet office in the Green Park locality of South Delhi. “Most customers buying traveler’s cheques, were serviced by ExpressCheques across India, Bangladesh & SriLanka.” says Mandeep Singh Puri, Director FutureSoft India. The next few years saw the technology services provider extending its stronghold to many multinational companies and foraying into the realm of application support. The period saw systems developed by FutureSoft win the prestigious AMEX Chairman's Quality Awards. The awards were recognition of the company's software deployments in the area of reconciliations, cash management and integration by American Express. Today the company provides a plethora of best of breed homebred and third party solutions, backed by impeccable product knowledge and support skills to maximize returns from your investment.

Mitigating Risk Factors

FutureSoft’s success in the industry can be attributed to the deep understanding that they have about the troubles faced by CIOs. When a CIO outsources work to a service provider, there is a risk involved because the project cannot be personally monitored by him. A CIO needs to put his trust in a partner who can assure quality solutions that will comply with the stringent requirements of the organization. Enterprises also require solution that can be well integrated with several other systems. FutureSoft with its in-depth understanding of processes and precious cross-functional experience across various industry verticals provides reliable software solutions that increase the productivity of an organization.
As technology environments keep changing, newer technologies come to the fore. Enterprises look for capable partners who can attain these technologies and pin point the best possible platform to develop the solutions on. To address the constantly changing needs FutureSoft spends ample time on research projects to keep abreast with the latest tools and technologies, so as to offer even better consulting and programming services to their customers.
Apart from the technological advancements another factor worrying CIOs is the transforming business environments and the requirement to reset solutions to automate the business.“Working on a Green Field project is a cake walk; however complications arise when there is a need to scale up the application by adding more features,” says Puri. Most organizations find it tough to trace the beads of the original solution making ‘phase 2’ of a project a tough task for the solution provider. CIOs thus look for partners who have the capability and sustainability to handle the enhancement needed. “When a client needs any enhancements in the solutions we don’t have to scratch our head to trace the beads. There is a minimum baseline which we follow. We have various certifications like ISO 9001 & CMMI Level 4. This ensures that we have all the artifacts, documents and knowhow which are recorded and that is available at any given point of time. All we have to do is to get into archives and get all these documents,” adds Puri. FutureSoft has made this a crucial differentiator for itself and is committed to help clients find the best possible solutions and enhancements as well. The company not only believes in investing in new technologies but also in technocrats who enable these enhancements.

Moving Forward

FutureSoft specializes in providing a wide spectrum of IT services with high level of specialization and deliverable quality, which help increase productivity and reduce costs for clients. The company lays deep emphasis on innovation and believes that young talent helps breed excellence and out of the box thinking.
The company goes out of its way to provide startups with the solutions that they require even if it means that they need to take a pay cut. “Creating a symbiotic relationship with startups we look forward to working with them as their requirements bring in innovative and newer platforms. This helps us season ourselves in terms of the latest technologies. So it’s a win-win situation,” says Puri. The company has also devised an EAP model where they take equity as profit. It is a rather big risk however for a company as insightful and experienced as FutureSoft it is a manageable risk.
With a keen eye to stay ahead of the technology curve, FutureSoft has adopted cloud technology to meet the growing needs of enterprises. The innovative company has also built internal products to expand its horizons. “We have a product known as e-Orbit that provides human capital resource management. It can help manage a business with 250 to 100,000 employees with ease. Latest addition is eSeparation, a workflow product, which allow a company to ensure that the separation of employees is properly handled. RecoLite & RecoFlex suites reconcile any type of transactions - financial, stock or even call data records.” explains Puri.
Puri’s commitment to clients’ success is palpable in the way they have built FutureSoft’s core DNA. “We take pride to be a truthful company. In these 25 years we have always played by the rules and many a times let opportunities go because we would like to play very straight,” says Puri with a smile. It is their sheer focus on delivering value to customers that has brought the company to the epitome of success. Add to that their right attitude towards employees, partners and vendors alike has won them the reputation of reliability. FutureSoft’s long run in the industry is testament to the fact that understanding market needs, being focused to deliver and evolving with time takes an organization a long way.

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