CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> December - 2015 issue

How changing business dynamics are forcing enterprises to embrace digital shifts


Infosys, headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka, is a global leader in consulting, technology, outsourcing and next-generation services that provides solutions for Consulting, Business Process Outsourcing, Products and Platforms, Engineering Services and Cloud Services.

The change in business dynamics today is driven by the human desire to be “human” again. Any trend that you see in the digital world of today is due to “human” drive for being omnipresent (mobility), connected with loved ones while sharing and receiving updates &opinions (Social), have freedom to access what we want anywhere anytime (cloud) including right & actionable insights (Analytics) for better decision making, along with ability to find time to do what matters most (due to greater automation).

The Digital world as we see today has been possible due to rapid penetration of technology to grass root level unlocking value in anything and everything that we do. Better data bandwidths, lower cost of access and sheer volumes have helped in this regard. The most important change that has led to proliferation of digital models and forcing enterprise to adopt them has been a not-so-glamorous solution like “payment gateways”. Any business has to primarily do these 3 things – provide a quality offering, price it well and get money back in on time! The first two things - the companies had been doing well over the years. On the third one, this ability to transact “on-the-go” has made suppliers and consumers closer and transactions closing in real time. This has brought confidence in business transactions and agility in closing micro transactions including anonymous ones. “App”ification of transactions and growth of multiple mobile platforms/ecosystems has been the icing on the cake as this has led to easier adoption and smoother learning curve for consumers while providing businesses with agile architecture which is easy to upgrade & maintain.

People say that digital way of life is really helping only B2C companies, the big retailers and retail banks! Not at all, this is helping B2B & B2B2C companies as well. Today relationships between professional services companies and their clients leverage plethora of process which are completely digital in nature. Cross-enterprise collaboration with tools like Yammer, Skype for Business, Webex, etc. have all led to a seamless interaction and faster closure of transactions. In the B2B2C space like automobile supply chains (OEMs, suppliers, and customer) or insurance industry (Carriers, Agents, and Insured), e-commerce portals/apps (supplier, intermediary, and customer), etc. are all leveraging digital technologies to their benefit.

Industrialization brought in automation to the physical world. The factories gave a quantum leap to how much could be produced in a day. It did not stop there! As the economies grew, it became clearer that “software” would soon become the de facto driving force for what any company does. Internet of Things is extension of this philosophy where the software with the help of internet is helping machines, devices, equipment, wearable and people to interact with each other.

New use cases are being created on a daily basis which were never even asked for and sometimes have created new market segments and offerings. Personally, I feel that Uber and Whatsapp are ecosystems which created new ways to do what we used to do in a totally different manner. These new services have increased the adoption of technology, increased the footprint of supplier & consumer ecosystems and made the entire world “truly” connected.

The use cases at the intersection of technology, human needs and imagination are creating new business models and opportunities hitherto unheard of. This dynamism is reflected in number startups and some of these startups are enjoying amazing non-linear growths. This is leadings traditional enterprises to think and respond in a manner which has been unheard of in the past.

Today successful enterprise have stopped talking about processes but are talking about use cases, that’s because “people” have become the center of their existence. Successful enterprise are the ones who have starting hearing very closely to what their employees are saying, what their customers are saying and what their competitors are doing. Gone are the days when the so called “best practices” were defined by the elite few in organization and forced down the throat of the vast majority of workers leading to lack of adoption and larger failures.

In summary, today there is a move from “enterprisation of people” to “personification of the enterprise” and THAT’s the change that enterprises need to recognize and embrace in their digital quests. It is really not about digital technology driving success but about technology enabling what humans need - to be connected, socialize, be heard, be recognized and be omnipresent. Digital is enabling humans to be more human and that’s where the success should come from.

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