CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> January - 2014 issue Realizing Faster and Cost-Effective Document Verification


Documents are necessary assets in providing various public services and enabling business transactions in a democratic environment wherein documentation is the key to establish a citizen’s identity, qualifications, experience and his/her entitlements to undertake various activities such as voting, driving, employment, visa application and many more. Considering the criticality of documents, an elaborate process of physical document issue, verification and submission becomes important and this importance is being held high by, a Global Document Verification System to enhance document issue, submission and verification & authentication process. Internationally, the company’s Israel Country Manager provides inputs about technology happening in Israel and other parts of the world where he has associates. Myeasydocs is a member of NASSCOM and Data Security Council of India and the company is constantly updated with knowledge resources from TechCrunch, Ted and other tech driven domains.
The sheer volume and diversity of documents today allow opportunities for rampant fraud. Fraud in various types of document can have their own negative consequences and can be conducive not only to inefficiencies in the economic arena, but also pose serious security threats for the country. Experts have estimated that over 300 websites offer services for preparing a fake certificate, indicating the depth and enormity of the problem. Under these circumstances, the vision of an efficient, fraud-free GlobalVerification Document System can be achieved when there is a truly universal platform where various government agencies, public and private educational institutions, consulates and other document issuing agencies are brought together onto a common platform. Myeasydocs has today become the accepted standard for document verification. Its Global Documentation Verification System (GDVS) benefits almost all key stakeholders of the document verification process.
Myeasydocs brings in various government agencies, educational institutions, accreditation bodies and companies. As institutions issuing documents understand the benefits of GDVS, the process is followed by willingness to sign up and thus Myeasydocs sets the ball rolling and facilitates the enrolment of these institutions on to the system. The direct benefits of GDVS are faster service, suppression of document fraud, cost-effectiveness and increased revenue for issuing agencies. The interesting methodology in Myeasydocs is that the verification is done directly by the verifier e.g a University, Colleges, Government bodies etc.
As for any business, it is best when it is taken to a global arena but the consternation increases when each country stipulates that the “Verified Data” should reside in the country of the verifier. This can be terrible if not in cloud as the cost of setting your native or country specific Database storage system will be massive. Furthermore, considering the licenses which Myeasydocs will have to manage along with manpower for the native or country specific database, it will be an unnecessary cashout flow. Myeasydocs is marching ahead in the cloud space using Windows Azure and it is performing wonderfully especially in Israel. Myeasydocs also plans to work in association with the government to frame a national electronic document verification policy providing a legislative and regulatory framework on how various individuals, issuing agencies and checking agencies deal with fake documents.

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