CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> December - 2014 issue

RFID technology as a key enabler for the development of IoT infrastructure


The adoption RFID Technology is driving innovation and development of Internet of things. RFID technology has given rise to various concepts that integrate the physical world with the virtual one and IoT is one such discovery which is a platform of technologies monitoring the status of physical objects, capturing meaningful data, and communicating that information through IP networks to software applications. The wide range of IoT applications in congruence with RFID tagged objects or devices enables faster data reporting in real time, and drives interactive decision making at both industrial and consumer level. Objects tagged with RFID and paired with IoT applications consumers can save lot money while reducing wastage. For an instance with the help of RFID technology connected with IoT applications, a supply chain manager can locate the exact location of the shipment. In addition, he can keep a track on the temperature and expiration dates of the shipment and monitor the status of the shipment thus enabling enhanced traceability of the objects. It is believed that new inventive applications will arise to make use of connectivity and accessibility of every application connected with IoT. In the years to come, with the help of IoT infrastructure, one can use the data trove available and pair it with RFID technology to build a smart city.

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