CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> December - 2014 issue

Sai Biz: Reinforcing the Recruitment Landscape


1)What are the major challenges faced by organizations in filtering the right candidate during placement? How are you positioned to address these challenges? Could you share a case study which highlights various aspects of your recruitment strategy?
The major challenges faced are: Organizations are tackling the false information mentioned on the CV. We come across candidates claiming to be manager and senior managers and with zero knowledge of requisite work experience or report knowledge. On asking a particular question regarding the job responsibility, the person comes up with various excuses as my subordinate was handling the task or I was not particularly involved etc, but the damage is already done and has exposed the lack of requisite experience. The other recent disturbing trend is falling standards of Graduation and Post Graduation Colleges. With numerous low quality colleges or name sake colleges opening by night, the candidate does not have the requisite knowledge and thus lags among his peers. We at our end, to tackle issues as such ensure a reference check, with personal as well as professional references. We also at times if in doubt, with due knowledge of the candidate, call up the office of previous employer and request the HR team to confirm if the mentioned person was working with the company or not and if yes at what designation.

2) The global recruitment policy is very fragmented, and recruitment requirements vary considerably from one country to another. In such a landscape, how do you leverage staffing solutions in India as well as globally?
We have a specialized division, since we are approved and licensed by Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, to recruit for overseas which looks after the overseas recruitment. We try to go in-depth and understand the actual requirements of the job. A lot of times there is difference in terminology or designation as mentioned by overseas employer, we at our end take a detailed job description, job responsibility and other details from the employer and match the same with profiles available at our end and in our country and then are able to deliver exactly to client requirements.

3) How do you mitigate the problems of talent shortage in India and abroad? Could you highlight it with the help of a short case study?
India having second largest population in the world, is best poised to meet all the talent requirements of the world, we Indians, are best suited for any kind of job across the world. With diverse weathers, diverse languages, and even diverse culture we are best suited in the world and thus are most adaptable. With the improving facilities and literacy rate across the country, the younger generation is even more adaptable and open to learn and grow, just the way most of the companies want their employees to be. With improving our literacy rate we are making people more talented and available to be absorbed not only across the country but across the globe. Also with economic reforms and ever improving economies the technologies now being introduced in the country are among the best in the world and thus the need to train the manpower to work on those technologies. With improving quality of manpower in India, they are trained to best technologies, which eventually experiences them for better opportunities abroad.

4) The count of people being without a job is on the rise in India. What is your role in reducing India’s unemployment rate?
The workforce we recruit to work overseas sends back remittances in foreign currency, which again helps the growth of the country. As per Wikipedia, Remittances to India stood at $67.6 billion in 2012-13, accounts for over 4 percent of the country’s GDP. This grew to $70 billion in 2013-14, the highest amongst the countries receiving remittances from overseas workers. As per the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, remittance is received from the approximately 25 million members of the Indian Dispora. We thus help with individual as well growth of the country.

5) What differentiates your staffing solutions/services from other competitors?
The individual attention and attention to details is what I would say differentiates us from our competitors. We never feel our clients are big or small, just that they are very important to us and we indeed take special care and pay special attention to each one of them.

6) What are you focused on to achieve in the coming years?
We are focused on overall growth, of the people, the country, the employers and yes surely us. We intend to open new offices across the country, to cover as many people possible. To reach as many new employers as would be possible. We have a new office coming up in Hyderabad soon. We also intend to open offices, across all major cities of the world over a period of time.

7) Share with us some of the most satisfying and successful stories of your solutions/services in India and globally? What made them successful?
The stories are unlimited, it was once when I was in a mall in Dubai and was lost in my thoughts, all of a sudden a gentleman came close to me and asked my name and then touched my feet. I failed to recognize him, wherein he reminded that he was recruited by me some 5-6 years back to work as cargo operator at Dubai Airport, he had now progressed and was now a general manager in some shipping and cargo company. I had at that time helped him convince his family who were otherwise not keen on sending him abroad. He was thrilled to meet me and he took me for dinner and expressed gratitude. It was an amazing feeling of ful fillment for me, the joy of helping someone progress and grow in life is incomparable.