CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> November - 2013 issue

Scripting the Destiny


Today enterprises are very aggressive and are having an increased emphasis on the metrics management and growing use of performance management. Software and service providers are increasing marketing spend on Business Intelligence (BI) thus leading to higher visibility. So much so, that Gartner in one of its study indicate that Indian BI software revenue will to reach a whopping $113 million in 2013 which is a 16 percent increase over 2012 revenue of $98.1 million.

In addition, the CIOs currently are under immense pressure to have increased adoption of analytics solutions across the country. The Indian CIOs are gaining a better understanding of the non-IT competences required for successful BI implementation; however, a general lack of talent across all fields of information management in organizations will continue to be the critical barrier to their successful adoption of Business Analytics initiatives.

It is not always easy to cut through this hype to understand exactly how BI tools can be applied to solve specific business challenges. Today, leading organizations are learning to exploit their treasure of existing BI resources and provide their team with critical knowledge to outperform in their industries.

This issue we have identified '25 Most Promising Business Intelligence Companies in India' that comes as an aid to these CIOs. The CEOs of these companies shared with us exciting stories of how they not only provide solutions to the enterprises, but help them identify the core criticalities leading to huge revenue expenditure that can be curtailed by using the best fit for these issues. To be successful, entrepreneur need to have a complete understanding of market needs, treating challenges as stepping stones and by having an in depth understanding of your industry. We believe all the 25 companies have these traits.

These Indian Business Intelligence Companies offer value to their clients by modernization, completion, conviction and long-standing relationship through their exclusively designed product, service range and proficiency.

It is said that "In BI, strategy is the destiny." These companies are more likely to script the destinies of many enterprises in the coming months

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