CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> November - 2015 issue

Scube Scientific Enriching scientific tools with its nonpareil solution ‘STATISTICA’


While pharmaceutical and biotech industries are in an ordeal, owing to regulatory inspections, mergers, procurements, and intensified cost-cutting pressures; the sole sector that works hand-in-hand with the drug manufacturing industry is Information Technology (IT). Precisely quoting, pharma sector has clinched a considerable breathing space with the assistance of software solutions proffered by IT, and thus accomplished the intended goal of dwindled human intervention and reduced operation time. Proffering similar cutting-edge platforms, with its tailor made customized solutions, is New Delhi based Scube Scientific, succouring the scientific community with its easy-to-use, affordable scientific softwares.

Established in 2004 and certified by ISO 9001:2008, Scube serves clients from a motley of Computational Chemistry, Biology, Mathematical Modelling, Statistical Analysis, Data Mining and Market Research, in pan India and neighbouring SAARC countries. Provisioned with distinctive solutions like Gaussian 09 for electronic structure Modelling; ChemBioDraw Ultra 13.0 for creating scientifically intelligent drawings; Mestrelab Mnova for processing and analysis of NMR and LC/GC/MS data and numerous other exquisite services; Scube is a pioneer in scientific software industry, serving as synergy between the embellished industry demand and scientific softwares’ supply. Elaborating the significance of Mnova, the flagship product of Mestrelab Research, Debasish Bhattacharya, CEO, Scube Scientific, mentions the diverse solutions of the product as Mnova NMR (For processing, analysis, simulations), Mnova Predict ( For Prediction), Mnova MS ( For Mass and LC/GC data analysis), Mnova Verify (For Automatic structure verification), MnovaqNMR (For Quantitative NMR) and NMR RM (For Reaction Monitoring).

STATISTICA- revamping scientific affairs
Furnished with graphics tools and a comprehensive Visual Basic development environment is STATISTICA, another solution of Scube, that extends assistance to several accomplishments like Stability & Shelf Life Analysis and Validated Reporting Solution and thus, assures the retention of properties and characteristics of products, possessed during the time of packaging. Besides, the product also extends Compliance Solutions and Manufacturing Solutions, to ameliorate clients’ daily operations. “The global standard GxP analytics platform empowers clients with role-based access to data, standard analyses, and reports in order to aid process understanding & monitoring, and regulatory compliance.” says Debasish. For further smoothening the functioning of enterprises, STATISTICA offers a sleek compliance with protocols set by regulatory groups like Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Adhering features like ‘name to structure’ and ‘structure to name’, ChemOffice® Professional 15.0 and ChemDraw® Professional 15.0 are amongst the initiators to proffer efficient searching of scientific databases including SciFinder, work trail, correlate biological activity and other properties with chemical structures, and produce publication-ready scientific reports more professionally and efficiently. “ChemDraw® Professional 15.0 suite renders an up-to-date collection of scientifically intelligent applications to the scientists, facilitating chemical structure drawing and analysis combined with biological pathway drawing.” quotes Debasish.
The company intends to become a leading player in scientific software industry, with satisfied clients, and proposes its venture of paraphrasing the services, to impart precise and customer oriented solutions in the upcoming years.

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