CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> July - 2015 issue

Software Intelligence and Accessibility- A Polished BPM Scenario


The Indian IT-BPM industry today remains a force to reckon with as we have showcased promising evolution in terms of expanding into newer verticals & geographic markets and attracting new customer segments. The space is also witnessing transformations from normal technology vendors to strategic business partners, while steadily increasing the portfolio of solutions on offer. However what emerges as a crucial differentiator going forward is the Indian industry’s ability to deliver IP driven, multiplatform solutions that are also becoming productized. At the same time, the industry is leading the drive to design solutions by incorporating SMAC so as to provide innovative, enterprising answers to the unique challenges of this decade.

We can also see without doubt that for the BPM plane and many associated areas, software intelligence will dominate the spectrum. The incorporation of intelligence into the software machine is reverberating for business as to what consumers commonly experience now. With services such as Siri and Google that process vast information spaces to present coherent and relevant knowledge at the moment of demand. We see BPM taking a lead role in realizing the value of machine intelligence in the enterprise by cutting through complexity to deliver simple, transparent, and timely decisions.

Therefore, infusing software with the ability to manipulate own behavior according to a comprehension of situation and objectives, is at the core of normal process application design. From the decision to reconstitute a case flow using a pattern learned from experience in response to a sudden change in resources, to adaptation of behavior of robots to compensate for late goods arrival, software intelligence can allow the machine to decide and act based on an understanding of changing context.

Apart from software intelligence, we can also witness a transition towards accessible, cost effective services that can be used by everyday IT professionals. Hence accessibility forms the core in terms of future adoption of BPM, this in turn will drive development of new systems of engagement respectively.

The technological foundation for this shift has been developing for the last several years and is now ready to take center stage. Scalable, mobile-ready clouds will define the new delivery model, and offer simple self-service provisioning for development, integration and business process services. Such companies are specifically what we have covered in this BPM special issue.

Do let us know what you think,

Vignesh Anantharaj
Managing Editor

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