CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> August - 2015 issue

SourceHOV: Leveraging Machine Learning to Render Valuable Insights


Big data solutions market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 50 percent and play an increasingly important role that will position big data analytics as a core capability for many enterprises by 2019. However, many organizations still bank on their traditional Business intelligence to deal with the multitudinous data sets. Albeit the results that this had showed in the past, it has to be accepted that the traditional method will not help these organizations to keep up their head in this new age where there is more and more digital information than ever before and most of the datasets are unstructured. At this hour, the need for a cost effective vendor who is highly experienced in using advanced analytical tools to deal with Big Data is quite evident.

Headquartered in Pune, SourceHOV provides data analytics services, business process solutions and strategic consulting to a variety of industries across domain borders. The company has a big data arm called Alpha Analytics. “Our Big Data arm offers a suite of platforms developed by our experienced data science team to solve problems, find trends and automate business processes by harnessing the insights from very large datasets,”says Sanjay Kulkarni, Global CTO, SourceHOV. The solution rapidly aggregates information across multiple data silos, including from unstructured sources and analyzes it holistically in near real-time, and makes predictions via machine learning algorithms that helps the company’s clients to make decisions faster. Faster decision making, leads to faster time-to-market which in the long run delivers profitable ROI.

SourceHOV is leveraging its big data automation platform across all customers via a strategic partnership with “Rule 14, LLC” and works with leading experts in computer science and machine learning to deploy rapidly configurable machine learning modules which allow a company to automate data aggregation and analysis. Examples include granular load forecasting for utilities, auto-summarization of legal documents, predicting customer churn, creating targeted marketing campaigns, among many other applications.

With its experience in offering back office processing, data management, and business services to Fortune Top 100 companies and governments around the world, SourceHOV’s viewpoint and approach differs from its peers. Their business automation platforms are powered by machine learning engines which are built to rapidly configure and offer valuable insights to the company’s clients. Understanding the differing needs of their diverse clients, SourceHOV’s system enables data scientists and business customers to collaborate and develop individualized strategies unique to each consumer or situation. The company offers its services using complex image processing, fraud detection along with avant-garde tools for data accessibility to enable better, faster & more accurate business services.

With the market teeming with data sets, the need for exceptional ability to soak up valuable information from all sources available to showcase excellent operations, is a priority. Envisaging this future advancement that will influence businesses, SourceHOV intends to continue deploying cross-industry platforms to solve problems via the analysis of very large datasets and continues to scale new altitudes of big data analytics using its powerful Alpha analytics.

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