CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> November - 2014 issue

Triumph India: Creating Smart Content


Technical writing earlier required people to create lengthy manuals that were not read by anybody. But things have changed now; content writing has become more intuitive and creative. It is also being embedded into operations and presented in a precise and attractive fashion. There aren’t many companies in India that provide a wide range of content services along with quality. This formed the crux of the establishment of Triumph India, a technical communications company providing documentation services that encompass the spectrum of content creation, maintenance and publishing.

“We take information about a product or a service and translate that into documentation,” explains Mohan Ramanathan, Director of Triumph India. In any organization, documentation starts with the product description that is then transformed into different forms to meet the needs of different users. The same information is interpreted into different forms for purposes like for training, learning,and operations. The company specializes in taking highly complex engineering content to communicate with their users. “The core content always remains the same, only the way it is presented and its form changes. Ultimately, we take the gist of a service or product and then transform it so that it can be used by different users,” says Mohan Ramanathan.

Triumph focuses on engineering companies, though they also work with other corporate companies. They offer their services for after-market engineering documentation, learning and development, and technical documentation need. The company offers the full range of solutions which are not only cost effective but also effective in meeting every requirement of the customer. Also, the firm helps their customers migrate legacy documentation into new-age, online and highly interactive formats that conforms to international standards like the S1000D. A major USP of the company is content structuring, where the information is structured in a way that makes it reusable. Through single sourcing, a change in one document is reflected in all the associated documents thus reducing the time involved in making corrections and publishing.

The company has already gained several established names as their clients, such as Kirloskar Oil Engine, Buhler India, Atlas Copco, Times Group, Jetking and ITC Info Tech,and is planning to acquire more customers who have high volume of work. The company has also developed ready-to-go-content, which will be provided on the pay-per-user basis.

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