CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> June - 2013 issue

User-Friendly Enterprise Software is the Future


Sonru, provides video interviewing, e-recruitment, e-learning, SAAS, software as a service, web based application, video screening and video selection services. The company has received seed funding from Kernel Capital Partners.

In HR Technology, specifically Talent Acquisition, there have been three major trends in recent years: mobile, social and video. Video is the latest trend and gaining a lot of interest particularly asynchronous video interviewing.

User-friendly enterprise software is now crucial and it is no longer about having all the features. In reality, users have been bamboozled by feature bloat provided by Enterprise Applications and they have become frustrated with the applications and the poor adoption rates within the organization.

Apple has reinvented the concept of the user experience and is consistently raising the bar as regards look and feel and now any user expects a new product to be quick, easy to use and super effective. By benchmarking against Apple's design and user experience, we hope the Sonru application is as intuitive and attractive to use. Also vendors will no longer be able to charge for training and implementation fees will become a thing of the past. Your product should be user friendly enough that you do not need training.

Challenges for Entrepreneurs

I think the challenges entrepreneurs face today are the same age old challenges that have always existed. The key challenge is to produce a product that once a user begins using it will not want to stop. If you can find this sweet spot product then it is down to the basics, ensuring you have a team that can deliver, adequate resources and the persistence to work through the highs and lows involved in starting and developing a new business.
With all of the new technology trends, changes in people is thinking and expectations set by great new consumer products such as the iPhone, there is so much potential to enter very traditional business areas with disruptive new user-friendly technologies. The time has never been better to start a new business. So go on and take the plunge!

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