CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> December - 2014 issue

Webfosys Networks: Ensuring High ROI for Clients Through Custom SEO Strategies


The rapidly evolving world of online marketing is forcing SEO marketers to rethink their strategies. What is becoming increasingly evident is the shift of focus from keyword-centric methodologies toward new content-centric and key revenue based strategies. However, most of the service providers find it difficult to match the SEO and content marketing strategies to measurable business outcomes. Webfosys Networks, which has got offices across three cities of India, viz Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Bhubaneshwar, and international presence in USA, UK, and Singapore, accomplishes the task by proving credibility and ensuring high ROI. The company is one of the pioneering Digital Marketing, Web and Mobile App Development firms, founded by Om Thoke, who currently serves as the Managing Director cum Global Delivery head of the company. Under his leadership, Webfosys has grown rapidly into a multi-national agency in its first five years of operation, and the company currently serves over 130 clients from all parts of the globe, including dozens of prominent local Indian clients.
“During the nascent stage, we started as a content provider, and then started building websites slowly. Our focus turned towards digital marketing and we kept on adding more services to our portfolio, and now we have grown into an end-to-end web-based solution provider. It was a rusty patch to recover after our traffic took a massive blow in 2011 with a Google update. However, not only did we manage to recover, but we rather came out all guns blazing, and we have never looked back ever since” says Om.
Webfosys has transformed from a content and SEO provider into an end-to-end web-based solution provider offering web hosting, content, digital marketing, mobile app development, website development & maintenance, and even social media marketing and online reputation management services. Webfosys currently helps many big brands on the digital marketing front including the likes of Davanam Sarovar Portico Hotel, iPixio Animation College, and is also working as channel partner of, Knowlarity, Flipkart,, ICICI Lombard as well as many other prominent brands.

Leveraging the expertise
There are many companies building websites, mobile apps, and tons of e-commerce stores, but the real achievement is creating a USP. Webfosys focuses on creating quality content around keywords that have low competition, and drive targeted traffic. Its organic SEO services and weekly blog posts easily manage to bring steady influx of targeted traffic for its clients. The company offers a unique pricing model that is even better than the money-back guarantee. It charges the clients strictly on the basis of results achieved and the clients pay only when they see the results.
“Understanding of SEO plays a crucial role, and all our team members are given complete knowledge of SEO process, along with hands-on experience, which I strongly feel, plays a vital role in success. SEO is more about the quality of service and the ROI it fetches. I feel we have gained a good name in International markets already, serving several big brands, which itself differentiates us from the herd,” signs off Om.


Digital Marketing front
Webfosys has built over 1000 websites, delivered over 100,000 content pieces, and helped several big guns on the digital marketing front. One of the noteworthy ones would include Davanam Sarovar Portico, Bangalore. The company is also working with InMotion Inc. as their brand ambassador in India, and has helped it in generating over 2000 customers over past one year in India so far.
InMotion Hosting Inc. is one of the leading professional business hosting solution providers in the US, and looking at the tremendous potential of Indian markets, they wanted to partner with a digital marketing & branding agency in India to tap the local markets effectively. Since June 2013, Webfosys Networks has been assisting InMotion Hosting Inc. in generating steady sales, and helped with over 2000+ sales so far.

On-page and Off-page SEO Strategies
Search engine optimization is not just about building quality back-links to a website; it all begins with on-page SEO, which includes user experience, internal navigation, and the overall linking structure of the website. Webfosys analyzes the current contents and linking structure of the website and comes up with a solid On-page SEO plan to boost up its organic search rankings.
The popularity of a website/blog increases only with rise in traffic, readership, lower bounce rate and several other parameters. Choosing the right keywords, and then building authority back-links to your web pages is the only way to succeed with online marketing. Webfosys’s link builders have got years of experience in this industry, and they are capable of quickly building quality back-links to a website, and helping it gain top spot in Google search rankings within 30-90 days.

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