CyberSecID Conference 2024 - Zero Trust for Today, Zero Worries for Tomorrow

CIOTechoutlook Team | Thursday, 09 May 2024, 12:20 IST

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CyberSecID Conference 2024 - Zero Trust for Today, Zero Worries for TomorrowImmerse yourself in the forefront of tech- nological innovation at the CyberSec- Asia - Indonesia Summit 2024, hosted in the vibrant landscape of Jakarta, Indonesia. Scheduled for July 18, 2024, this summit marks a pivotal moment in the realm of cybersecurity within the di- verse sectors.

In a landscape where challenges intersect with resilience, industries across the board find themselves at the leading edge of digital transformation. Embrace the future of cybersecurity-where agile methodology intertwines seamlessly with robust forti- fication against evolving threats.


What awaits you at this pioneering event?

  • Insightful Presentations: Engage in thought-provoking presentations uncovering the depths of cybersecurity, innovation, regulatory compliance, digital risk management, and the convergence of technology. Esteemed experts and technologists from diverse backgrounds will share invaluable insights and practical strategies, providing actionable takeaways and case studies.
  • Dynamic Panel Discussions: Participate in vibrant discussions led by industry visionaries, where pressing issues shaping cybersecurity will be explored, analyzed, and demystified.
  • Innovative Showcase: Immerse yourself in a world of cutting-edge technology with an exhibition featuring top-tier cybersecurity firms and pioneering fintech solutions that redefine industry benchmarks.
  • Networking Galore: Connect with a diverse community of senior security professionals, tech enthusiasts, and leaders. Share insights, experiences, and innovative strategies that drive digital transformation.

Brought to you in collaboration with prominent industry leaders and supported by leading cybersecurity associations, CyberSecID promises to be a milestone in the tech landscape. Join us as we explore, innovate, and sculpt the future of secure technology.

Save the date for July 18, 2024 and mark your presence in this transformative event shaping the next chapter of cybersecurity. Indonesia beckons your participation-seize the opportunity to lead the evolution of the cybersecurity domain.

For event updates and exclusive details, stay tuned, and prepare to be part of a summit that shapes the future of cybersecurity.

Register here:
Event website:

Source: Press Release

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