CIOReview Team | Thursday, 09 June 2016, 11:50 IST
India’s leading player of Video communication & collaboration, PeopleLink Unified Communications Pvt. Ltd. recently recognized by Africa’s Information Technology & Telecom Awards for Innovation in the promotion of UC in Africa has announced strategicupgrades to its product philosophy and go to market with a renewed product positioning.
“Productizing Solutions and Customizing Products, epitomizes the innovative work we've been doing with our clients and our promise for the future.The webRTC enabled Video “InstaVC” remains the underlying platform for these distinct vertical specific Solutions. The Offerings remain atrend setter as a seamless, Intuitive, Interoperable and Customizable for the User needs.” commentedAmit Chowdry, Founder, CEO.
PeopleLink had recently announced its healthcare portal called ‘PeopleCare’ powered by InstaVC’swebRTC technology. PeopleCare platform enables Hospitals, Clinics & Doctors to collaborate within a single platform where they can reach out and administer healthcare services by using InstaVC video technology for strengthening their Business models and reaching out the masses much easily.
PeopleLink is all set to announce its other vertical specific offerings namely, Video enabled Learning Management Solutions, Virtual Trade Shows, Virtual Digital Signages and other Intuitive user specific solutions to be showcased during this InfoComm 2016 Show at Las Vegas from 8th to 10th June 2016.
“For the exponential rise in mobile devices, Users are looking for collaboration options right on their devices and as per their needs. While the other players in the market have made users acclimatized with the ease of collaboration, we are offering them InstaVC which is way superior in terms of its User Interface, Customizability and security” Commented Abhishek Pratap Singh, Head Product Marketing & Managed Video Services.
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