Takira Solutions: Rendering Cooperative Banking Services with Digitization through Business Process Automation

The growth of the IT industry has paved the way for varied software solutions providers across the country benefitting the corporate to carry out their activities seamlessly. Takira Solutions (P) Ltd is one such provider offering cooperative banking services by using technology to digitize the process with Business Process Automation (BPM), providing seamless integration with core banking solutions and Document Management Solution (DMS) since 2008.

The company has specialized platform-in-dependent Java technology, Spring and Angular technology and the team is well-skilled to understand the bottlenecks of the current manual process and customize AntrixEDMS+BPM as the most suitable product whenever needed in a short period. Takira is specialized in the digitalization of documents and further process automation helping organizations to process their da-ta-driven within a short span of time and maintaining transparency.

Located in Mumbai and having its presence across the globe, Takira's customers are from insurance, fast food manufactures, the Government sector, and the service industries. Takira works on business process redesigning along with DMS right from its inception grabbing a complete package of digitalization. It also provides digitalized core banking solutions enabling and promoting the ease of business concept. With its immense experience and knowledgeable team, Takira converts any complicated manual process to a software-based error-free process with incredible accuracy.

With expertise in designing interactive PDF forms, dropdown checkboxes, radio buttons, and validations, Takira helps in zeroing down the data entry at the maker level. AntrixEDMS+BPM being a significant and integral part of the company's activities is the most commercially affordable solution, having numerous advantages as the application works in server-based license.

An independent platform with scalable application and features like Dynamic dashboard & Process flow; indigenously developed scanning tool with OCR and bulk uploading option and many more plus points, which provides personalized attention to all its customers. Takira has recently launched a portal for small and medium sized companies to digitize documents with process management and adapt to the new environment remaining
competitive. A separate supplier and customer login integrating with ERP highlights the ease of business.

Case Study:
Since it was observed that there is a need for digitalization of treasury process flow and DMS along with BPM in the Banking sector especially the treasury department, all treasury transactions were converted into the software-driven centralized process from the manual process. Presently, the treasury department works paper-less as the Solution is enhanced with two-way seamless integration of CBS application.

The project is designed for the utilization of 10000 branch users (approximately) and 250 users (scalable) in CPCFT. After implementation, the processing time for every transaction in the system has reduced to 20 minutes with proper security and transparency. Takira's excellence is noticed here through standardization of forms, minimum data entry at the Bank, increased productivity, real-time performance assessment, and accountability along with visibility to the top management.

AntrixEDMS+BPM is also now offered as a cloud solution, through which Takira wants to serve small and big companies by digitizing all their processes and documents

Takira is now aiming to place AntrixEDMS+BPM as one of the profound leaders in the DMS domain.

Its latest addition in software includes a browser-based audit inspection tool for compliance of all banks as per RBI guidelines, with various risk analysis reports. Focusing on the co-operative banking sector, it has recently launched a new process digitalization tool, with Scanning tool and iPDF, which fits into their budget and offers seamless integration with core banking solution.
AntrixEDMS+BPM is also now offered as a cloud solution, through which Takira wants to serve small and big companies by digitizing all their processes and documents.