Gartner Announces Identity and Access Management Summit 2016

CIOReview Team | Monday, 02 January 2017, 05:22 IST

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Gartner’s Identity and Access Management Summit 2016 will focus on how to position IAM as a key partner in business innovation. Gartner analysts will discuss: Agile IAM; Mastering the politics of IAM; Industrialization of Identity and Governance Administration (IGA); Cloud for access management; IAM intelligence; and Blockchain

Audience: 1,600+ attendees with titles like: CISOs, CSOs, CIOs and other IT directors, vice presidents, directors, and managers of identity management and information security, network security managers and directors, IT/IS directors and managers, enterprise architects and planners, finance executives, and risk managers and from many industries including healthcare, financial services, consumer, energy/utilities, education, and government.

The summit agenda features 5 tracks covering the hottest IAM topics:

Track A – Foundational Strategies in IAM: Properly plan and organize an IAM program, create or restart an IAM strategy, and ensure that processes and controls are implemented to gain real business benefits

Track B – Moving Your IAM Program Forward: Identify best practices, avoid pitfalls, and select the best tools and services in the dynamic IAM market

Track C – Building IAM for the Future: Explore how digital business will accelerate changes in IAM program management, technology delivery, and scale to address changes in business

Track D – TechInsights for Agile IAM Architectures: Real-world insight into modern identity architecture, governance and administration, analytics, proofing, authorization, identity in the cloud, identity for third parties, privileged account management, and using identity to protect APIs

Track E – Beyond the Checkbox, Security, Risk, and Privacy: Learn about the security disciplines that align with IAM with the most important security trends

Keynote Speakers:

Guest Keynote – The Age of EM: Robin Hanson, Associate Professor of Economics, George Mason University

Guest Keynote – Three Types of Digital Lies: Jeff Hancock Professor of Communication, Stanford University

Opening Keynote – Roadmap/State of IAM 2016: Gregg Kreizman, Research VP, Gartner

Gartner Keynote – The IAM Magic Quadrants and Critical Capabilities: Felix Gaehtgens, Research Director, Gartner, Brian Iverson, Research Director, Gartner, Gregg Kreizman, Research VP, Gartner, and Rob Smith, Research Director, Gartner

The Solution Showcase
The Solution Showcase will bring together leading technology and service providers highlighting advances in technology through live demonstrations, face-to-face meetings, and dynamic presentations. A listing of current exhibitors is available on the Exhibitor Directory

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