Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people; so said Steve Jobs. People are at the heart and soul of an organization yet 85% of workforce around the world feels disengaged at work leading to loss of productivity, attrition, lower customer satisfaction thus lower profitability. This in itself costs the world economy $7 trillion in disengagement cost. That's a huge cost inefficiency. Yet, the underlying reasons for it are hardly identified, and even when signals are identified, the call to action is often delayed.
With the advent of remote working, it is becoming increasingly difficult to engage people without the right tools. Elaborating on the same, the founder of Personifwy, Neha Mathur, says, "Employee Engagement has been a point of discussion for long and every organization does spend significant effort in this requisite. However, our research clearly indicates that there is a complete absence of right tools to drive meaningful engagement.
Most of the tools that are known to and deployed to bring about employee engagement end up solving the problem from an HRWorkflow automation's point of view only. It's the Employee who is left out". Based out of Bengaluru, Personifwy is the first people tech platform that not just includes the employee, but places her/him right at the centre of it. Personifwy's approach makes it easier to not just measure their pulse in real time, identify the need for interventions much ahead of time, but also enable them with personalized nudges around learning.
Essentially, this gives way to a culture of open feedback and transparency with a two way engagement, wherein, on one hand the leadership can combine all their people data spread across the organization to observe & analyze its impact on the business, identify interventions much before it leads to attrition or productivity loss, while on the other hand employees get a unique personalized experience of growth and learning.
"At a time when the world has quickly moved to a speedy digital transformation by adopting to remote work, making sure the culture of the organization is intact is now needed more than ever. Without a true connect and an avenue to shorten the signal to action approach within the organization, lower productivity &profitability becomes prominent. Often organizations action lagging indicators like attrition and revenue loss, since they are not able to identify the underlying issues that leads to such a situation.
Personifwy helps define interventions much ahead of time, such that leadership can ensure appropriate action to enable higher employee
productivity", adds Neha. Personifwy believes that a people centric organization brings more success propelling the organization forward in the right direction. Based on a number of researches done its clearly evident that Businesses with highly engaged teams experience a 20% lift in profitability and 21% improvement in productivity.
Personifwy is a new age workforce enablement platform that drives business success through a two way employee engagement.
By the year 2020, millennials have formed 50% of the global workforce. As a consumer outside work, they have everything available to them at a click of a button, yet the technology available to them at work is obsolete and disintegrated. The question that one needs to ask organizations is whether they understand their employees as much as they understand their customers. Personifwy brings consumer-grade technology for employees. More so, people data is fragmented across the organization as it is managed by different sections of HR Units like ATS, HRMS, PMS etc.
Personifwy is a new age workforce enablement platform that drives business success through a two way employee engagement
This data doesn't talk to each other, losing massive amount of insight that is possible. Personifwy with its trademark analytics engine, has the capability to co-relate this disbursed data and combine it with people pulse. Thus, helping drive business success through proactive and predictive analysis of people data. HR leaders can now get leading indicators of people data and drive strategies that are driven by data and analytics.
To have built such an exceptional platform required great minds and expertise. Rightly so, Personifwy is driven by a set of highly experienced co-founders who have led businesses across various sectors, and have been senior industry experts across top organizations such as Deloitte, Amazon, Marriott etc.
Personifwy has recently signed up with organizations across IT services, major insurance firms and other outsourcing firms to drive its beta adoption. The firm has been accepted by leading incubation programs such as IIM Bangalore's NSRCEL in India and Skydeck at Berkeley, California. Personifwy is focussed on building a global product that combines behavioural science, analytics and gamification to solve core issue of people engagement. Along with product development, Personifwy is building its partner network for its market place offerings to provide managed services for customers across domains.