The potential of artificial intelligence and advanced robotics to perform tasks once reserved for humans is no longer reserved for spectacular demonstrations. Therefore,it's safe to say that going digitalis no more in dire straits for organizations.The moment a business intends to go full throttle and dive into reimagining of processes,design thinking and implementation, business outcome, speed, agility, user experience and multi modal experience-automation plays the big-league. Digital and automation go hand in-hand unarguably. Bangalore headquartered Wipro's game in automation has set some major business goals in the industry. Having rode the automation evolution journey for over an exciting decade, Wipro has moved from simple task automation to more sophisticated cognition and Artificial Intelligence.To be precise-tools,scripts,orchestration, robotics process automation and cognition AI, are few of the check points that Wipro has crossed while coming down the years of major evolutions in technology.
"Automation is a journey and not just a one time shrink wrap software implementation" explains Rohit Adlakha, Vice President and Global Head-Automation, Wipro HOLMES. Rohit further explains how every business in every industry requires a different starting point in automation. To such clients Wipro has ensured their journey to be tailor made and customized to them. One of the strongest attributes to Wipro's play in the automation industry is its association with IT. Application, Infrastructure, cloud, security and business operations have over whelmed the company's data repository. This reservoir of data has enabled the company to build automation products un imaginably cognitive and intelligent.Therefore,if a BoT is implemented for a customer,it is 80 percent ready, giving away only 20 percent to learn on the specific uniqueness of the customer, thereby allowing Wipro automation to start giving efficiencies and experience at a comparatively faster rate. Hence, for an organization looking forward to reap instant benefits, rather than waiting for a couple of precious years for the BoT to learn,Wipro presents a great deal of data and cognition.
Some Astonishing Numbers
Figures in the public domain say it all about the impact that Wipro has made in the last 2-2.5 years within the organization and the customers as well. Wipro has recorded productivity worth 12000 FPE(Full Time Equivalent). More over, the organization has already made automation implementations across150 customers spanning across a wide array of branches including "“cognitive AI, RPA, Orchestration, tools and process based automation. The company has built 202 BoTs and approximately 3,500 scripts. These represent Wipro's achievements over the last few years in terms of hard rolling.
Irrespective of how an enterprise deals with a task,a human typically ends up taking five different steps of five actions.The first step is Natural Language or naturally interaction, particularly for tasks like customer care, supplier on boarding,employee management, internal service desk and requirement gathering. The second is knowledge representation dealing with how one converts raw data into meaningful data. It basically suggests extracting insights out of dark data- data that usually resides in an organization but no one really knows about it.Following the former is the core algorithmic intelligence of the platform where techniques such as machine learning, deep learning, neural network and pattern recognition have their turn to work. Reasoning accounts for the fourth step is the series which deals with looking into various behaviors and responding accordingly. The final step is Learning. Learning helps to make the Bot more cognitive and self aware. Wipro leveraged these 5 basic steps and put in efforts to convert into API services, for the customers and partners or external developers to consume.
HOLMES- Heuristic and Ontology based Learning Machine with Experiential System
Wipro brought together the 5afore mentioned steps and actions and gave birth to"˜HOLMES'. HOLMES is the abbreviation to Heuristic and Ontology based Learning Machine with Experiential System. Wipro HOLMES, an Artificial Intelligence Platform,is a rich set of cognitive computing services for the development of digital virtual agents, predictive systems,cognitive process automation,visual computing applications, knowledge virtualization, robotics and drones.
Wipro HOLMES is developed using machine learning, natural language processing, genetic and deep learning algorithms, semantic contologies, pattern recognition and knowledge modelling technologies to provide solutions that deliver cognitive enhancement to experience and productivity, accelerate process through automation and at the highest stage of maturity reach autonomous abilities. Wipro HOLMES is designed with a focus on enterprise use cases from IT and Business process areas. With the ability to continuously learn from new data, HOLMES is enabled to recommend a solution and predict failures.
If one were to take these 5steps /actions into App development, App testing,App management, infrastructure build,infrastructure operation, supply chain, partner on boarding, customer on-boarding, compliance,and similar such enterprise duties,one can use the basic services and build use cases on top of that. customers can do away with implementing the basic services to build use case by use case and instead, construct use cases on top of fundamental platform capabilities. All these lead to ease of deployment,ease of development and enablement to manage and govern all of them centrally under one platform.
Applications of Wipro HOLMES
Digital Virtual Agents Enhanced user experience with capabilities like speech recognition, natural language understanding;
E.g.Collaborative Agents,Customer Support/Experience, DIY Support.
Predictive Systems
Extracting meaning from different forms of data,using tools and techniques "“ to discover patterns, predict future outcomes and trends;
E.g. Recommender Systems, Anticipatory Systems, Automated Scenario Modeling
Wipro is consolidating
all its automation
assets and capabilities
under the Holmes
brand and Significantly
increasing its
investment in hyper automation
Cognitive Process Automation
Cognitive Process Automation is defined and executed based on a loose set of instructions or logic. These instructions are largely machine learnt, evolve continuously and can be user-defined as well;
E.g.Automated Problem Resolution, Software Release Automation, Modal Interactions and Experience Management.
Visual Computing Applications
Visual computing applications that can acquire,analyze and help synthesize realistic inter activeinter faces and identify patterns;
E.g.Dynamic Pattern Clustering,Computer Vision.
Knowledge Virtualization
System that can acurate knowledge by using AI techniques.They rely on usage of expert knowledge databases to arrive at decisions;
E.g. Diagnostic Experts, Advisory Systems, Natural Language Generation.
Robotics and Drones
Robotic automation is powered by a repetitive set of instructions. These instructions are mostly defined by the user and sometimes machine-learnt. They can be fed into the system by analyzing repetitive patterns;E.g. Smart Drones, Brain-Controlled Robotics. HOLMES stands for a platform capable of being users' single source of truth or common automation market place. A customer using HOLMES can be rest assured to be able to consolidate automation, whether it comes from Wipro or third party or customers own automation.
Measuring Automation in terms of 3"˜E's
Wipro has always measured their automation productivity in terms of 3"˜E's- Efficiency, Economics and Experience. However,as Rohit explains,while cost is important and is a given by product of automation,a business positively prefers a solution that cut shorts on process time over a solution that just promises cost cutting. There are various degrees of economics that Wipro has been able to save and give productivity to customers. But beyond that, the company,as mentioned, works for efficiency improvement brining a wow factor in terms of service improvement.
The third "˜E' is for "˜experience' that revolves around improving business's C-Sat (customer satisfaction) score. Hence, attributes like self heal, self help, multi modal experience, speed, agility and cognitive capability in terms of chat and conversation are parameters that help in upping an organization's index score. Wipro has been very specific and a strong contender with the experience factor when calibrated in terms of Automation.
Because Automation is a Journey, You Need a Companion
Wipro's automation capabilities stands firm on two pillars Holmes in IT segment and its army of topnotch automation consultants. Customers look at automation more as a journey and less like a one time technology platform implementation. Consequently, such customers look forward to work and collaborate with service providers who can be more like a partner to answer customers' business dilemmas like- particular business problem to target, the use case to be considered,success criteria, the technology platform to be chosen, the implementation partner to shortlist, governing the success of the implementation and management of the automation journey on an ongoing basis.More than just HOLMES IT, Wipro presents itself as customers' consultative and implementation support.
Wipro is consolidating all its automation assets and capabilities under the Holmes brand and significantly increasing its investment in hyper-automation. Going forward,every strategic business unit,service line and delivery unit will have dedicated leaders for Holmes. From a use case,re-design and implementation perspective,Wipro will continue to ensure that digital and automation match pace with automation playing a critical role in a business' transformation.