The Indian edtech market is booming. Studies conduct-ed by KPMG estimate over 3500 edtech startups have mushroomed in India today. Industry experts anticipate that coding will dominate a large portion of this sector with surveys forecasting the coding for kids' market to be of 14 billion dollars value. The majority of this growth can be attributed to Cov-id19 disrupting offline education but paving the way for edtech platforms to witness unprecedented growth. While the desperate need for uninterrupted learning may have propelled the rapid adoption of edtech platforms, end-users still demand every requirement be met. Some of the critical requirements are access to superior quality content, purpose-driven and talented educators, student engagement, practical exposure, and refined teamwork skills, all available at an affordable cost.
Coming to the fore is Adhyaapana, headquartered in Bengaluru, with its cutting-edge tech-first education technology platform. Our EdTech plat-form is fully automated and equipped with next-generation cloud tools. The platform has been designed and developed by a team of experts that ensure the delivery of a best-in-class learning experience.
Gearing Up for the Future
The team has conducted several market studies that predict a child's adult working life will require basic coding knowledge. Coding/Computer science is arguably one of the most important skills for current as well as future generations to learn. For young learners, programming helps to gain problem-solving skills. Whether it is marketing, design, medicine, or more, basic coding skills are already being seen as a requirement. "Digital transformation is the key, and it is always important to adopt digital tech tools for a better
digital tomorrow. We at Adhyaapana are fully committed to making computer science education for every child, the world! We want children to learn skills that will help them in the future, no matter what profession they choose later," says Brahma Reddy, Founder at Adhyaapana.
The Adhyaapana platform has been engineered to perform as an easy-to-use coding tool built to help children to create websites, apps and games with Adhyaapana's Super Coding Teachers. The personalized tutoring platform offers digital classes using state-of-the-art digital tools. "We educate the students in a better and engaging way to make sure that we deliver the value for what they are paying for. We believe in the results. We have recruited a portfolio of great teachers and they are delivering the best results," says Padma, Director at Adhyaapana.
We educate the students in a better and engaging way to make sure that we deliver the value for what they are paying for. We believe in the results
Adhyaapana envisions revolutionizing the traditional method of learning and equipping children with the digital way anytime anywhere. The company has onboarded world-class instructors to meet each learner's expectation. Firmly believing that, like a foreign language, coding skills are best to be learned early, Adhyaapana merges three other elements, in addition to top instructors, that make this platform the success it is today. The platform leverages enhanced digital skills, engaging classes and robust cloud tools. "Personalized classes, personal touch on the user's career development, captivating one-on-one learning sessions at economical costs, and talented teachers are some of the factors that set us apart from other solution providers in the market," reveals Brahma Reddy.
Adhyaapana imagines a bright future ahead and is continually working toward building the Next Generation Education Technology Platform for the world.