Smart Enterprise Building systems of engagement to transform experiences and productivity

Mandar Marulkar, Chief Information Officer, KPIT Technologies | Friday, 27 January 2017, 07:41 IST

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With 20 years of experience in diverse industries, Mandar Marulkar demonstrates skills in Effective Execution of IT strategy and driving process innovation for enabling better insight in business operations that helps in providing transparency, predictability and sustained business growth. Also, holds expertise in leading budget and resource optimisation, post M&A integration, risk mitigation and compliance measures.

A Smart enterprise leverages digital technology to re-imagine business, and embraces the key characteristics that enable future success. Innovative, fast, responsive, agile, creative and, design oriented are some of the key characteristics. Smart enterprise leverages the maturation and convergence of Social, Mobile, Analytics, Big Data, Cloud and the Internet of things to drive business transformation agenda. As commoditization of IT products and services accelerates, companies will have to differentiate by delivering outstanding customer experiences. Quicker and more informed decisions will be taken in real time as we become digital.

To enable these key characteristics that drive digital success -organizational policies, practices, systems, processes and structures that worked in silos will have to change into a unified data structure. This will become the catalyst that enabled the next generation enterprise: The Smart Enterprise.

Developing System of Engagement and integrating them with systems of record will help in delivering consumer like experiences, creating sense and respond system, enabling right-time in the moment effectiveness and establishing relationship culture. For having Experience based differentiation, Engagement is foundation of experience road map. We create experiences through engagement, and with the right experiences we create trust. Moving away from command and control towards edge interaction that is value based places great importance on the systems of engagement. Experience design should be informed by stakeholder insight and co-created with all stakeholders. Most effective way to co-create is through visualization. The experience delivered should be envisioned and visualized as a way to ensure that all stakeholders can clearly see the intended experience. Journey maps and real world personas are common practices in the design phase. Fostering collaboration and integration within the company and making experience as a core competence. By placing the customer at center of our existence, we can drive towards the in the moment effectiveness.

Implement Edge Driven System with adaptive core – As opposed to traditionally core systems driving the design and forcing the edge to adapt, the design principle is flipped. The edge will now drive system design and core must adapt. The critical elements of this strategy are consumer like experiences, service oriented architectures, and a modern core platform. Mobile lies at the heart of the system of engagement vision; and ‘context-rich’ aptly describes a critical enabler. Not only will these systems deliver effective interactions, but they will usher in new ways of working by leveraging mobile apps, smart products, personal clouds, integrated activity streams, social task management and personal workflow.

Beyond Mobile, systems of engagement will leverage the social ecosystem for collaborating, communicating and coordinating. Power of the Social will fuel future system. Companies are increasingly leveraging all data in customer social ecosystem, partner social ecosystem and employee social ecosystems to drive outcomes and enable the effective use of collective intelligence. But the most impactful and difficult element is Sense and Respond system. To deliver in-the-moment effectiveness, context must be provided at the point of interaction and interaction windows are short. But context is just a means to an end. We need to determine appropriate action (response) and this requires a deeper use of analytics than most companies are prepared to support. Organizations lack the analytic maturity which is critical to future success. Big Data technologies play a critical role, but the point of failure in many cases will occur in the process of converting data to insight, insight to action and action to intended outcomes. Sense and respond systems therefore will only succeed if companies mature from a descriptive (backward looking) paradigm to a predictive and prescriptive paradigm (forward looking).

Integrating System of Engagement with System of records: Systems of engagement are built on top of systems of record. But a complex tension exists between the two as System of records want to be stable and secure like traditional ERP and CRM systems while System of engagement want to be agile, flexible, fast and responsive like mobile Apps or any other cloud native applications. If we focus too much on stability and security then the value of systems of engagement diminishes. If we aggressively leverage systems of engagement to create Digital DNA then the company could be exposed. This type of environment introduces risk, including possible leaks of confidential information and intellectual property. However potential benefits outweigh the risks. Solutions that manage this tension will likely evolve over time, but until then, we need to develop road maps that enable a phased transition -not a complete overhaul.

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