Zadara Storage Offers its Solutions at Slashed Rates

CIOReview Team | Tuesday, 02 June 2015, 12:47 IST

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Virtual Private Storage Array (VPSA) technology developed by Zadara Storage provides the power of cloud to data storage solutions such as Storage Area Network (SAN)/Network Attached Storage (NAS). VPSAs are completely in control of the user who can encrypt the data and manage the encryption keys exclusively. The company has announced that the per-drive pricing in Zadara’s VPSA offering has been reduced by as much as 51 percent depending on drive type. The company has also included its enterprise suite of high-end features with each VPSA without additional charges. VPSA, the flagship product from Zadara Storage, supports enterprise-grade needs using iSCI, Common Internet File System and Network File System protocols for accessing data. The capacity of the VPSA is scalable and performance is adaptable to match the changes in development or compiling. Data accessibility is ensured through snapshots, clones, remote mirroring and replication. With pay-as-you-go usage-based billing, the user can derive cost benefits. VPSA offers flexible management through Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface, Graphical User Interface and Command Line Interface. The user has direct access to VPSA configurations that provides complete control. The key features of VPSA are single-tenant private solution, unified storage, tiered storage with flash (Solid State Devices) and hard disk drives (HDDs), repository storage for Big Data and streaming applications, thin provisioning where virtualization technology is used that gives the appearance of availability of larger physical resources than they actually are.

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