Living in the midst of technological advancements, information asymmetry is apparent in several industry verticals in India, particularly agricultural arena.In the digital era, might it then be best if significant information regarding all agricultural stakeholders is available on single digital platform? This is where Gurgaon headquartered FarmGuide, a data-driven technology start-up, comes into the picture by resolving the existing information asymmetry issue in the agriculture sector. The company brings all agri stakeholders such as farmer, government,input seed/fertilizer/machinery provider etc. on a digital platform following the spirit of digital India.
"We bridge the gap between government, private agri supply chain stakeholders, middlemen, agri agents and farmers by integrating them on a unified platform where information flow happens in real-time and any discrepancy can easily be noticed, tracked and addressed," unveils Nikhil Toshniwal, Founder of FarmGuide. It offers a repertoire of products including E-Governance, Crop Advisory, Data analytics & Image Processing, Supply Chain Management, Market Research Platform and Credit Score. FarmGuide's true innovation lies in Digitization, Data Analytics(Machine Learning,Predictive Analysis)& Image Processing Algorithms. So far,it has digitized various periodic and existing agriculture processes such as Harvest Inspection (Girdawari), Crop Cutting Experiment(CCE)and Crop Insurance.
Essentially, FarmGuide's scalable and Sustainable SaaS solutions offer flexibility to various agri-stakeholders to connect with farmer base by means of real-time data and information symmetry. These solutions render key advantages such as providing information to
farmers about prevailing market prices as well as a better decision making tool for agri-stake holders to plan marketing campaigns, services and procurement, helping financial institutions to disburse loan, and connecting nearest and suitable supplier/buyer to the right farmer base and vice versa etc.
Most importantly, FarmGuide concentrates on providing both backward (pre-harvest)and forward (post-harvest) linkage of agri supply chain stakeholders. In backward approach, it connects input suppliers like seed/fertilizers/pesticides and other agro-chemical sellers, irrigation and machinery suppliers, technical training of farm practices, advisory services (weather, crop advisory) to the farmers to ensure seamless journey till harvest. Similarly, in post-harvest, it connects farmers with logistics companies, cold storages and ware houses,food processing units, FMCGs and FRCs, and helps attain maximum profits. Also, it leverages the scope of contract farming. Besides, Farm Guides' feasible app and SaaS solutions help logistics companies track/trace their clients as well as perceive capacity /quantity to optimize vehicle allocation. Its market research dashboard helps them be up to date about demand and capacity ratio in various districts and villages from where the procurement can be done.
Through its fully functional Crop Insurance portal, it has catered to 25 Lakh farmers and created 55,17,047 policies by successfully implementing agritech in all 33 districts in Rajasthan and maintaining farmers data. "Through our portal, we not only create policies, but also help insurance companies study disaster pattern occurred in the past to setup insurance premium, and make prediction associated to possible loss," opines Nikhil Toshniwal.
Acknowledging this success and strength of developing the Crop Insurance portal within 15days, FarmGuide was appointed by Government of India to develop All India Crop Insurance portal by Government of India under PMFBY Scheme. In 2018,FarmGuide is aiming to partner with various private players and financial institutions. Also, it envisages scaling up its pilot project done in Rajasthan to various other states in India.