CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> September - 2014 issue

3LOQ: Bringing in Data Mining Platform and Succoring Brands to Target the Right Customer


With the growing dynamics of startup ecosystem, insightful minds are venturing into businesses that comprehend the need of the consumer and cater a solution that matches their requirements. People want useful and meaningful messages, not insignificant messages that spam their inbox. The more insignificant and pointless messages the customer receives, the more annoying the brand becomes for the user. 3LOQ, headquartered at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, saves various brands from getting false sense of customer retention and brings the customer closer to their brand of interest. Founded in 2012, 3LOQ leverages an intelligent data analytics platform which helps in targeting the needs of the customers by predicting what their current interests are.

There are several delivery channels but companies are not able to effectively leverage them because customers were not happy with the bulk of messages they receive untimely. “3LOQ believes in adding value by leveraging analytics and data mining in the background of delivery channel. Within this approach, the companies can get the right customers who are looking for their service”, says Anirudh Shah, Co-founder at 3LOQ Labs

3LOQ is currently working with Telcos to help monetize their data assets. “Our platform can analyze vast amounts of Telco transaction data to automatically figure out the patterns of the activities carried out by subscribers. We take stock of the geographic locations as well and update the subscriber with relevant offers”, says. Anirudh. In addition to this, 3LOQ helps to connect relevant brands to the customer by processing and analyzing Telco data.
Instead of being a multi-product company, 3LOQ has built a versatile automated platform, targeting the needs of the customers by predicting what their current interests are at an individual level. It is data agnostic such that it can take transaction data from any source and can be used to figure out the consumer’s behavioral pattern over a period of time instead of tracking their immediate signal unlike other players do. Later, this perceived behavior blended with a number of other data sources is used to deduce the momentary need of the consumer and administer suited marketing messages over their phones. This helps 3LOQ serve better marketing options to their clients.

3LOQ is carving ways to connect brands and consumers to benefit from Big Data and intelligent advertising. The company wants to capture the South Asian Market with its simple solutions. Growing rapidly in the field of Finance and Content management, 3LOQ has been successful to entice the competitive market of India, Indonesia, Srilanka and Thailand with its intelligent automated marketing analytics platform.

3LOQ believes in “Simple Connections” This means that brands must find the information simple and actionable and that consumers should find it simple and useful. 3LOQ itself, should have simple processes in managing the platform. “We believe that removing complexity from the system makes it easy for brands and consumers to benefit from big data”, concludes Anirudh.

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