CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> March - 2015 issue

Allizhealth: Mitigating Lifestyle diseases Through Centralized Health Management Platform


Lifestyle diseases has been surging as society has become more industrialized. Unhealthy diet and undisciplined lifestyles have become major factors for diseases such as obesity, stroke, depression, heart disease, diabetes and many more. As per recent study by Harvard School of Public Health, the economic burden of lifestyle diseases for India alone will be close to $ 6.2 trillion for the period 2012-30, that is equivalent to nearly 9 times the total health expenditure during the previous 19 years of $710 billion.
Pune headquartered Allizhealth contributes to mitigate and manage health lives of individuals and corporate through its health management and analytics platform. “Our platform keeps the user at the center and provides with the right information at the right time. This is a one of its kind platform in India which looks to engage the users in a much more meaningful way,” says Gaurav Vij, Co-founder and CTO of AllizHealth since incorporation in 2012. Following the assistance of proprietary solutions through Health Risk Assessment, Personal Health Records and analytic dashboards, Allizhealth’s solution provides an effective option to track, store health information, receive personalized care plans and analyze health data on regular basis.

Three Solutions for Tracking Health Information
With partnership with several leading healthcare and insurance providers in India, Allizhealth aims to democratize health technology. Its unique platform Health Risk Assessment (HRA) helps to access current and previous health status that dynamically adapts to information based on individual’s demographics, responses and other factors.
One of its other solutions, known as Personal Health Records (PHR) play as a repository of health documents and enables user to store/access/share information more efficiently, keep track of various health parameters, build self and family health profiles and set various reminders and alerts. Whereas to manage unstructured data, Analytics Dashboard helps its business partners to access unstructured data in an arranged format effectively. The dashboard also helps to filter trends based on conditions, demography, age and gender to reach out to users in a personalized fashion with agility. “This end to end approach makes us unique in this industry and provides us the option to carry along several other players in the ecosystem who might be focused on niche and more specialized services,” adds Gaurav.

Future Road Map of Health Management Solutions
With increasing proliferation of mobile phones and usage of internet on phones, Allizhealth believes that alike banking industry, Healthcare sector too needs to be paper free. The usage of mobile phones helps to reach out to every individual in a personalized manner to help deal with various medical conditions or risks. Following the proliferation of technology, the company plans to go beyond Tier 1 cities and target every individual with access to phone and internet and by the end of 2015 Allizhealth also aims to touch around five lakhs users. “We will achieve these numbers by delivering seamless user experience across various user platforms and enabling users to store and analyze their data in a secure environment. We are certainly looking to be at the forefront of this change and provide innovative technology driven solutions and if our efforts help even a single person to have a better life, it would be an endeavor to cherish” concludes Gaurav.

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