CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> March - 2015 issue

Barracuda: Enabling Enterprises Securely Adopt Public Cloud Infrastructure


Today, cloud computing has emerged as an important solution for enterprises looking to ease their computing needs and accomplish business objectives cost effectively. Even though cloud-platform offers several advantages that make cloud based solutions compelling to businesses, there are several alarming issues of privacy and security breaches, high bandwidth cost and portability impacting the adoption of cloud computing. Organizations today use plethora of applications and making each application function smoothly with the cloud environment has added more to the cloud challenge. Fostering an effective cloud strategy, Barracuda, headquartered in California, United States has extended its expertise and cloud security and storage services to enable its customers securely adopt public cloud infrastructures such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. “Barracuda, has developed cloud solutions to offer both security and storage services which are available either as a stand along service or as service which augments the appliance based solution offered by the company, thus making deployments easier to manage and scale”, says BJ Jenkins, CEO and President at Barracuda Networks.
Niche cloud vendors like Microsoft, IBM and VMWare are relentlessly investing more on resources to build a platform which is open enough for others to adopt it cost effectively. However, owing to the requirements of vast technical capabilities and understanding of large systems and servers, public cloud platform brings in sharp downturns to businesses. In addition, SaaS, has been considered as the easiest cloud deployment mode for newer vendors, but the challenge here lies in the ability of the architects to build the applications in a way that can scale with the demands of the market. Complementing with the public cloud platforms provided by Microsoft Azure and AmazonWeb Services, Barracuda provides solutions like Barracuda Web Application Firewall, Barracuda NG Firewall and much more, which are utilized by the customers who have adopted these public cloud platforms and are looking for ways to securely deploy their applications.
In addition to its security and storage solutions, Barracuda has consistently leveraged cloud to offer powerful, scalable and easy to use backup, Web Filtering and Anti-Spam Solutions. While using its own distributed cloud infrastructure, the company helps in storing backups securely, ensuring disaster recovery and providing quick access to backed up data at anytime from anywhere in the world.Barracuda has also enhanced its Barracuda Spam Firewall to extend its on premises expertise in email security to Exchange deployments in Amazon Web Services environment. Furthermore, Barracuda’s Web Application Firewall enables secure deployment of Web applications while the Barracuda Next Generation Firewall provides the much needed connectivity, visibility and control for the network level traffic in cloud environments.
With a primary focus to build easy to use solutions for customers, the company has added multiple cloud services over the last few years. “We will continue to do so where we find an alignment between what we offer and what the customer requires”, says Jenkins. The company has recently announced the availability of its cloud-connected archiving solution, giving customers the ability to extend their archive into the cloud, scale deployments for expansion and search across appliances and cloud-based data in a simplified manner.

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