CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> August - 2014 issue

ClearOne: Designing and Developing Cutting Edge Conferencing and Media Collaboration Solutions to Boost Business Interaction


In this digital era, as much as technology has fetched value into our lives, it unfortunately has brought ways by which security of sensitive information can be contravened. Like many other emerging IT trends, the growth curve of video conferencing began to rise modestly. But few challenges in the backyard disrupt the reliability and security of voice and visual communication. Many organizations are foraying to find better voice and visual communication solutions which is cost effective, agile, efficient, and reliable, and provide flawless video conferencing quality. With an aim to substantially bridge the gap of customer’s requirement and communication platform, ClearOne, Headquartered in Utah, United States, offers conferencing, collaboration and streaming solutions for voice and visual communications.

The nimble trend of unified communication has given access to variety of communication platforms by its low cost operational model. With many consumers moving into tablets and smartphones; WebRTC will accentuate the way of interaction with clients who prefer to make use voice for service. “WebRTC is expected to drive UC applications to become ubiquitous. Being connected anytime and anywhere is increasingly becoming the goal for any enterprise communication that is integrated with the workflow”, -says Zee Hakimoglu, Chairman and CEO of ClearOne.

Making cloud based conferencing solution resonate with subscription software service has been challenging. While enterprises continue to look for better conferencing solutions, the value added resellers who market the products of video conferencing are striving to commoditize video conferencing capabilities and drive the transition of hardware based solutions to subscription software services. Addressing the predicament, ClearOne’s subscription based service model is towing revenue while deploying models to cater homogeneous service to the end customers.

Security is a concern for many organizations that use a cloud-based managed service. UC implementation generates a threat towards the security of enterprise video conferencing systems; attackers can eavesdrop on confidential meetings and infringe the security. ClearOne claims to adopt a stringent process to bolster the security aspects by offering a Platform as a Service (PaaS) model with ‘Spontania media collaboration solution’, which gives flexibility to the customer to bring his/her own carrier into the solution. “Spontania can be deployed just as easily in a private cloud which can be totally locked down in a customer’s private data center,” explains Zee Hakimoglu, Chairman and CEO of ClearOne.

Traditional video conferencing systems require a significant capital investment in equipment and yet leaving the system in idle while not making a video call. ClearOne’s COLLABORATE® Room Pro solves this problem by ensuring higher ROI, yet at lower cost. “Collaborate Room Pro is a multi-purpose media collaboration appliance that fulfills all the media collaboration needs in a conference-room environment. This integrated solution, available with a nine-party MCU, includes many tools that would usually be purchased separately, such as streaming, recording, content creation, presentation, and in a future free software upgrade – wireless projection and interactive white boarding”, says Sanjay Taneja, Regional Sales Director at ClearOne India.

ClearOne is a differentiator with its voice & video conferencing solutions and with deep domain knowledge it aims to exploit the paradigm shift from high-priced systems to low cost appliances and cloud solutions. Moving forward with an outlook to deploy multi-functional multimedia collaboration and distribution solutions, both on-premise and on cloud, ClearOne believes that its enriched pack of solutions will offer revenue opportunities for leveraging growth globally.

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