CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> March - 2015 issue

Data Resolve Technologies: Mitigating Insider Threats with Cyber Security Intelligences


Regardless of the robust security controls and established DLP tools that might have been deployed within the organization to protect the confidential assets, the overwhelming data security threats, particularly from an insider have given severe headaches to the CIOs. Identifying insider threats and detecting both unauthorized access to information and unauthorized transfer of information can cause excessive downturns. Although there are many niche vendors who provide cyber security solutions to safeguard confidential information against breaches, they fail to launch attempts to inhibit internal digital impendence before it consumes the entire organizations’ resource. However, Data Resolve Technologies, headquartered in Noida, India is quick enough to provide detailed real-time information on data leakage with regards to “who did what, how, when and what has gone out” with its security analytics. “Getting real time information on data leakage is a nightmare in a traditional DLP approach. But we follow a unique approach towards reducing the business risks through intelligent analysis of information flowing within and outside the organization’s network to protect data from insider threats throughout its lifecycle”, says Dhruv Khanna, CEO & Director at Data Resolve.
Dhruv recounts how finding prospects willing to invest in information security solutions was challenging, but with time everything became easy with the rollout of IT security policies by the Government of India. Data Resolve sensed the lack of data security and privacy protection platforms in many organizations. Thus,with a vision to build a strong cyber secured Indian Market the company decided to bring in cost effective data security solutions for all end point devices.
Owing to the increasing penetration of internet and growing dependency on SMART, data leakage resulting from employees’ lack of diligence has become more grave and extensive. Even though the threat of attack from outside the organization is real, and calls for significant concern and measures, the massive data loss also results from internal activities. Further, it helps to detect human behavior well before incidents including time spent by end users in productive and unproductive work, sensitive online searches and chats among the peers and various activities in obscured mode.
As per global research reports by eminent research firms, Cyber Security market is going to grow multi-fold across regions. It is expected to grow from $95.60 billion to $ 155.74 billion by 2019 at a CAGR of 10 percent from 2014 to 2019. With such traction, Data Resolve is keen on growing its business and has already carved plans to augment and expand its sales and marketing presence across ME and APAC markets by the end of FY 2015-2016.

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