CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> March - 2015 issue

Nascor Technologies: Manage Business & Bolster Productivity with Smart Email


Email communication has become imperative for organizations to improve business transactions. As per Gartner, an average individual spends 28 percent of his time on emails even after the emergence of social media communication technology. Email is a predominant way to reinforce business communication, mend & maintain relationships. Today’s customers have their hands full with options and are no longer willing to wait for businesses to get back to them. Hence, despite potentially high volumes of emails received, business must have the capacity to answer all email inquiries quickly and efficiently with information relevant to customer needs. Nascor Technologies, a Bangalore based startup, helps businesses deal with the deluge of emails in an effective manner, save time, bolster productivity, enabling one to invest their valuable time in core work.
After going through email stats, internal surveys & discussions and their own experiences with emails pounding the Inbox, three founders, Narasimhan Iyengar, Lakshminarasimha Bharadwaj & Sudheendra Gururaj, resolved to pursue development of intuitive & innovative solutions in this challenging email technology space. Nascor was founded with the intention of transforming email platforms to deliver email users, tangible VALUE, beyond 'just' communication.
Nascor products are designed to work seamlessly for Individuals & Teams alike with two themes - 'Mail & U' and 'U @ Work'. 'U @ Work' will focus on features to Manage Business activities & operations involving teams and 'Mail & U' versions will pack disparate tools & utilities for any email user.

'U@Work' - Building Powerful Organisation Stories Mining Work Conversation
In any business, emails have work conversations, be it discussions on projects, activities, tasks, meetings minutes, resources, reports etc. Nascor is developing products which intelligently 'mine' work conversation, intuitively extrapolate to dashboard with powerful infographics, data & metrics for emailers. This helps one to start their day with dashboard having actionable insights & manage business smartly using just email platform thus enabling working individuals to focus on 'how to do' rather than 'what to do' for a fruitful day at work.
Email usage is common and used by all entities irrespective of any Industry. Nascor products can be used by any organisation and minimizes or eliminates usage of other business tools like project, task, meeting management software, reporting tools etc. Switching & avoiding usage of such tools saves time & money and also, eliminates psychological 'fear of change' among users resisting to learn & adopt such business tools. The first version of 'U@Work' prototype is under development.

tZirrTM - Personal Email Assistant
An overburdened email user aspires for a clean Inbox. 'Mail&U' themed, Nascor's first product tZirrTM, packs five powerful utilities, available for any Microsoft Outlook email user to download & experience. A feature like ‘Categorize Mails’ automatically prioritises mails with four colour codes helping users to attend to mails requiring focus. For instance, when the recipient is the only person in the ‘TO’ field, such mails are given a colour code and labelled as “To Only”.
Another feature ‘Pen Thoughts’ acts like personal sticky notes to list to-do's, reminders, draft responses etc., tagged separately to each email. There are instances when users spend lot of time searching for attachments buried in emails. ‘Attachment Explorer’, a unique feature, enables one to find any attachment in a jiffy. 'Bundle' Mails, yet another feature, allows one to randomly select mails, store in a few clicks. “tZirrTM performs helpful functions. Overall the time thus saved can be directed to focus on core emailing activities like reading & responding to achieve Inbox zero,” says Sudheendra. tZirrTM is Internationalised, so can support any language supported by MS Outlook on demand.

Future Endeavor
Lakshminarasimha says "We at Nascor are chasing a vision to reach every emailer on the globe with our value propositions and our road map is to cover other email clients, platforms, devices, smart phones where email is consumed and internationalised to support local languages of different geographies & countries."
As of now, Nascor's patent pending concepts are realised into products to supports all versions of Microsoft office Outlook. Nascor founders say that they are open to partners willing to share their vision & passion and help them accelerate their development & go to market strategies.
Nascor emerging as one of the winners of Infosys +91 Startup Challenge, held at CeBIT, Bangalore IT exhibition in Nov'2014, future seems bright and one to watch out for.
Being an email system technology startup, “We intend to leverage, enhance and transform Email platforms by creating products that address real world needs”, concludes Narasimhan.

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