CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> July - 2014 issue

Sonata Software: One Step Ahead in Mitigating the Predicaments of Travel Industry


India represents one of the most potential tourism markets of the world today. Being one of the largest service domains, the industry is predicted to generate 7.9 percent of the nation's GDP in the near future elating the present India to a new summit. The advancement also has given rise to several Travel Software Solutions companies which leverage mitigation in the IT needs of both travel industry and the customers. Travel agencies in order to lead in the competitive market look out for more efficient, customer-friendly yet innovative software solutions that help them in the long run. That is where Bangalore based Sonata Software positions its services that lay a helping hand for the travel agencies to excel and expand.

The 1986 born Sonata Software is one of the largest IT consulting and services company. The firm is known for its robust, customer facing and transformational offerings which help clients to maximize the effectiveness and productivity of their investments in software. The galore of front-end technology deployment services assist customers to drive value through their IT investments impacting greatly on their businesses. With a broad set of capabilities and proven domain expertise, the brand has built a strong portfolio of over 100 Fortune companies across the globe.

As a travel software solution specialist, Sonata Software has been implementing its wide array of innovative application frameworks and solutions into the Travel & Tourism industry. The company's end-to-end technology solutions encompass major services like Solution Accelerators, SonnetTRAVEL, Sonata Travel Extranet Solution and many more. Built based on Online Travel Agencies standards, Solution Accelerators enables an easy and quick building and deploying of solutions. Being a major offering, SonnetTRAVEL provides a comprehensive model for implementing travel e-Commerce and for driving sales through various distribution channels. Sonata Travel Extranet serves as the Merchant Model solution which helps Travel intermediaries to connect to multiple external CRS systems in one go. These solutions are engineered with efficient expertise which lessens the risks in adopting of new technologies and systems and they also help Sonata Software to expand its name across boundaries.

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