CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> June - 2015 issue

Trends and future of Online Video Surfing experience


A lot of publishers have been hosting their video content on various platforms, quite a few of them have now moved to hosting it on their own servers & running it from their websites.

There is a shift happening in the industry, as we speak, where content owners are using enterprise media players such as Star TV network with Hot star app, or etc. & are ensuring videos are at just one location. It helps them ramp up marketing activities & only direct consumers to one single location.

Although for consumers data saving is also vital. For saving data expenses, splitting videos in various sections do help online surfers. Imagine this – you click on a frame of a Video, and only after it has buffered & played a few seconds, you realize that it’s probably an incorrect video. A snapshot of the overview of the video actually helps. It allows you to make a decision of whether you want to watch it, or look for another one. Also, when you click on a frame, the video will actually load from that instance onwards, ensuring that any playtime before does not buffer, thus saving data costs.

As Consumers do not want to invest time to view the whole video if it is not engaging. In most cases they will close the video in fewer than 10 seconds. The content could be compelling later on in the video, but it was not interesting enough in the 10 seconds that they chose to view. The thumbnail of the video is the sole representator of the video. In most cases the thumbnail may not fully communicate the context of the video’s content. If the thumbnail doesn’t engage them visually, users will choose not to click on the video. In other situations, a consumer will like only a portion (clip) of the video and doesn’t want to share or like the entire video.

Even when they do choose to share or like the whole video, it is extremely difficult to communicate to the recipient where the most interesting parts of the video are located. Sharing or Commenting on a particular scene is not present today hence a lot of people refrain from engaging because they want to give opinion about a clip or highlight a particular portion of the video and not the whole video.

Our Videogram is patented technology & works on the principle of responsive design. Also, each frame allows the video to play from that particular second. Copying the functionality along with responsive design, would cumbersome work for anyone who is attempting it.

Online video surfing is the future. The rapid uptake of video across enterprises and the pace of developments suggest that digital video marketing will be much more advanced in the future than the current scenario we are witnessing.

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