Xpertnest: Delivering End-To-End Smart City Solutions For Holistic Growth

CIO Vendor Today the situation in cities around the world is such that the cost of providing services to citizens is increasing at a rate faster than the revenue streams coming into the city. This has forced the governments and concerned authorities to evolve better ways to deliver citizen services in a cost-effective manner, while generating more revenue with new service models by leveraging latest advancements in terms of smart city technologies. However, the real challenge is efficient integration of various technical components so as to design a solution to automate the services at city scale. Moreover, it requires a transformational change with enterprise-grade strategy in the way local authorities operate to exploit the technology for sustainable development and holistic growth.

A Blend of Technical Capabilities and Business Strategies
Clearly understanding the global urban scenario, Xpertnest, a company headquartered in London steps forward to help current day cities realize the dreams of smart city by bringing together technical capabilities and business strategies. The company provides end-to-end smart city solutions and services in the areas of energy, transport, water management, telecom, garbage recycling, smart farming, home automation, healthcare etc. taking into consideration each and every aspect of a city.

"Implementation of technology just for the sake of technology with no specific business strategy can neither deliver real benefit to the citizens nor help the city authorities in any which way. Today we can see plenty of examples around the world where technology is being rolled out without any clear blueprint, eventually leading nowhere. We engage with our clients to better understand their problems and to have a holistic view of the ground reality. We offer a blend of technical and business strategic thinking and help them define a definite strategy for the technology implementation to achieve all-round development," says Dave Reynolds, Director of the Board, Xpertnest.

The company's strong technical capabilities in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and IoT along with vast domain expertise in the smart city space gained by working with clients across the globe enables it to tackle any issue with respect to the smart cities. "Our top brass includes senior most and C-level executives hailing from reputed companies who collaborate with city authorities and help them shape their strategy for digital transformation to make it a smart city in the true sense," he adds.

Location-specific Solution to Minimize Traffic Congestions
Traffic congestion is probably one of the worst problems that cities face
today. Increasing urban population, growing usage of private vehicles and mismanagement of the traffic are some of the reasons for traffic congestions in the cities. Xpertnest devises location specific strategies such as virtual bus lanes, sensors etc. based on the existing infrastructure to solve the traffic congestion problems in the cities. The company delivers AI-powered solutions that will process data coming from the connected vehicles and help in better traffic management. "Traffic management and solutions varies from city to city and its infrastructure. For example, in the UK it is more about controlling the egress and ingress into the city rather than micromanaging traffic control. In most of the case we can control the traffic using sensor-based traffic signals. But we need to design solutions based on the local conditions and that is what we offer. We try to minimize the need for traffic in the first place, rather than just trying to control what is already there," explains Dave Reynolds about their unique strategies and location specific solutions to address the traffic congestion problems in the cities.

We offer a blend of technical and business strategic thinking and help our clients define a definite strategy for the technology implementation to achieve all-round development

Helping Households Better Monitor and Control Their Homes
With increasing awareness about the home security, electricity savings, the adoption of smart home automation solutions that allow for the remote monitoring and controlling of home appliances is on rise worldwide. Smart home solutions can easily be integrated into the new houses that are being built; however this is not the case with old houses due to the retrofit problem. "We have build capabilities that allow retrofitting a house sloughing circuitry behind existing faceplates and turn the existing sockets and switches into smart ones," informs Dave Reynolds about their unique approach to equip old houses with smart home automation solutions. The company provides AI and IOT driven Smart Home Solution that includes builtin software, hardware and firmware to enable remote monitoring of home appliances for energy saving and enhanced security.

Being an SME with immense technical skills and domain knowledge on par with tier-1 companies, Xpertnest can easily work hand-in-hand with clients and provide them with faster service in a cost-effective manner. Currently the company is working in 15 smart city projects in the UK. "In India, we are in discussions with clients who are willing to partner with us. We seeks to contribute our bit to transform the Indian cites by leveraging our experience in the UK," concludes Dave Reynolds.