India Aims Rs. 24 Lakh Crore Electronics Manufacturing Capability by 2026: MoS IT By CIOtechOutlook Team

India Aims Rs. 24 Lakh Crore Electronics Manufacturing Capability by 2026: MoS IT

CIOtechOutlook Team | Saturday, 18 March 2023, 04:08 IST

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The government aims to increase electronics manufacturing capability to Rs. 24 lakh crore by 2025-26, which will also help create over 10 lakh jobs, Minister of State for Electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar said.
Speaking at a function in Bengaluru, the minister said the country is today at an inflection point — the most exciting period in its history — and the present generation of students is the luckiest generation in the independent India's history.
" of the Narendra Modi Government is to increase electronics manufacturing capability to Rs. 24 lakh crore by 2025-26, which will also help create over 10 lakh jobs," an official statement quoted him as saying.
He said that there are more than 90,000 startups, including 110 unicorns, in which young Indians are playing a big part.
The minister said that at least 15 lakh young Indians from Karnataka will be given training in industry relevant future-ready skills.
"Remembering 'Appu', (the popular Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar as he was commonly referred to) on his birthday, Rajeev Chandrasekhar said the day is observed as 'Spoorti Dina' or Inspiration Day, and that the occasion could not be more apt to discuss opportunities in IndiaTechade with students," the statement said.
To a query about the Silicon Valley Bank crisis and the Indian government's role to mitigate the woes of startups, Chandrasekhar said, “The Indian banking system is much more resilient and stronger in comparison to any other country's banking system. Startups should therefore opt for Indian banks as their preferred banking partners."

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