CIGNEX Datamatics Presenting Webinar on Improving Employee Engagement & Productivity with Enterprise Intranet 2.0

CIOReview Team | Thursday, 03 September 2015, 11:12 IST

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 CIGNEX Datamatics, a Silicon Valley, pure-play, Open Source Consulting Company with development centers spread across Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Noida, announced that it will be hosting a webinar on improving employee engagement & productivity with Enterprise Intranet 2.0 on August 12, 2015, 4 PM, Indian Standard Time.  The webinar will focus on how enterprises can transform their intranets into ubiquitous enterprise social networks leveraging Liferay portal’s powerful social collaboration features. 

India has more than 65% of its population below the age of 35.  The key challenge for Indian enterprises is to engage this young and geographically dispersed workforce.  According to a recent Gallup study, only 9% of employees in India are engaged with their employers.  This underlines the need for Indian enterprises to improve employee engagement by transforming the intranet experience to match the social & digital preferences of India’s Facebook and WhatsApp generation.

“CIGNEX Datamatics is focused on creating Open Source based Systems of Engagement and Systems of Insight to re-create Systems of Experience.  In this webinar, we will demonstrate with client success stories, how Indian enterprises can improve employee engagement by re-defining the intranet to deliver a socially infused, intuitive, contextual, gamified experience to employees enabling companies to build the ‘Intranet of People’.  Liferay’s ease of use, its powerful social and enterprise integration features make it ideal for building next generation intranets”, said Vikram Samant, EVP – Open Source Solutions, CIGNEX Datamatics.

For more information and to register for the webinar, visit our webinar page. The event will also be recorded and available for on-demand viewing.



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